Same Header Image

There is an empty div in the header with a class of dgo-page-bg which has the following background image:

.dgo-page-bg {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("images/home-roof-thermal.jpg") no-repeat scroll center top;
    height: 440px;

Try adding this to your css:

.page-id-410 .dgo-page-bg {
      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("URL of desired image") no-repeat scroll center top;

Upload the image you want to use to your media library, and replace the “images/home-roof-thermal.jpg” with the URL of the image you want. Because you are using a more specific css rule, it should overrule the one that is loading the picture you don’t want.