Safari and CSS problems

Hello to everyone,

I am having a big problem with Safari browser and the CSS stylesheet. Everything is OK in Firefox and Chrome, but Safari doesn´t take the correct properties. No all of them, just some of them, but it makes everything messy.

In the first picture you can see how it looks if Firefox browser:

NOTE: As I am a new user I can´t post more than one picture, so I will let only the following picture for the safari case.

And in the picture below how it looks in Safari Browser:

I don´t understand why is this happening. I am using flex-boxes so being the size of the little wrappers is also calculated so that there can handle two little wrappers per line.

I have downloaded the Safari Technology Review tool, but to be honest I don´t really know how to fix the problem. Any kind of help will be helpful.

Thanks in advice.

Can you post a link to the web site? Although screenshots are usually helpful, we need to see code to troubleshoot.

Hello ronpat,

Yes here you have the link for the web. It´s in spanish so I share you the section in which I am having problems:

I haven´t seen any spoiler tag.

Thanks in advice.

Try removing the width from .contenedor.

You have it at 95%

.contenedor {
    width: 95%;
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The problem was that the images were from different sizes. Solved giving them a fixed width.

Thanks again!

Original reply:

I really appreciate your help, it worked!

The only question I have, is that I had the same problem in another section, and applying the same solution, it works but not as it should work:

Removing also from the code the following line:

.caja_360 {
     width: 100%;

If have tried giving different widths but keeps the same problem. I am using also flex-boxes, so at least all the “caja_360” behavior should be the same (“caja” in spanish is just “box” in english).

I will keep trying, hope to find the solution soon.

Thanks again for your help.

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