Rewrite - mixed queries

My head hurts a the moment…using GET search form, i need to pass $lang and $query to db search results. The form uses:

`<form method=“GET” action=“<?php echo $lang ?>/search/” name=“search” id=“search” ">


So, i get the string and rewrite…but how to i also include the $lang value?

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} query=([^&]+) RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_]+)/search/$ search/%2&lang=$1 [L,R=301,NC] RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z_]+)/search/(.*)$ results.php?lang=$1&query=$2 [L,NC]

Thanks in advance


You can, of course, ADD the lang value to the query string (from the path to search) but the easiest way would be to simply make it a hidden field in your form where it would be appended automatically.

As for your mod_rewrite, %2& means NOTHING in a URI (your first RewriteRule set means nothing … to me). Is that just a typo (for %24 which would be assumed to be $, a reserved character, in front of lang)?

Finally, I am very pedantic about abusing trailing slashes as they are intended to signify that the preceding “filename” is a directory rather than a file. Worse, it offsets internal requests for supporting files by one directory level which generally result in 404’s.



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