Reliable iOS chat app for my website!

Hello guys,

Hope everyone here is doing well so far. I am newbie here. I need your help please. I need a reliable iOS chat app for my website. Which chat app builder do you use to create for this kind of chat app? Please let me know.

I will wait for your further reply. Thanks!

Which have you looked at that were not reliable?

I didn’t try for anything yet. But I am looking for a reliable one. Have heard about different chatrooms. like ChatWing. Can I try for it?

If you want to develop the chat app for your website you can ask for help. If you are not a professional in this sphere it is better to hire someone. As it is your business website it should look accordingly. They will help you to do that! They can also help with website design and illustrations.

Asking for others’ opinion may help in “filtering” the many possibilities down to a smaller number to try. But in the end, what you need depends on what you need, not what others have needed.

IMHO, the best way for you to decide is to set up a test environment that closely replicates your live site and then try as many different free scripts that you can find.

Keep a list of what you like and what you don’t like about each. If you are lucky, you will find something free that meets all your needs perfectly. If not so lucky you will know what to look for in anything you would need to pay for.

Only after you have made your decision would you then install the script on your live site. Believe me, “trying” things on a live site can be stressful if not disastrous if things go wrong.

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