
I have to say I find it rather difficult to find where to post threads at Sitepoint. I’d be looking for basic (X)HTML most of the time.

Anyway, there is a site that I make small updates too very regularly…thing is people just aren’t seeing these small updates as they need to refresh their browsers empty the cache.

I can remember somewhere that there is some code…think it goes in a meta tag, not sure but I would appreciate it if someone enlighten me to it. Please assume nothing and paste the code in full and exactly where it goes.

I’m wishing to make any visitor’s browsers refresh say every hour.

Appreciate any help.
God bless, Karl.

As with anything there are advantages and disadvantages but if used right it can also help decrease page load times.

I think I misread your initial post. I was providing info to cache items on the page that don’t change very often so my solution won’t work.

I do agree with Alex in that it would be an annoyance to the user. What if they are in the middle of reading something and the page refreshes? Perhaps you could refresh a div or iframe as an alternative?

That could be done using JavaScript… but it’s a VERY bad thing to-do, not only on the screen reader element but for the annoyance factor. :slight_smile:

A more efficient way is to do it in your .htaccess file.

Here’s an article to help you out.

Thanks for the link At Sea.
I’ll be reading that in a moment.

Thanks again, Karl.