Reformat Phone Numbers

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a script that will reformat phone numbers into a more readable format. And I don’t mean phone numbers that are entered into form fields. I mean just phone numbers that are a part of whatever page I happen to be viewing.

For instance, the script would search a page and find a string of numbers like this: 9546302299

It would then reformat the numbers and replace them. The end result would be this: b 630-2299[/b]

I’ve figured that this regex is a piece of the puzzle, but I don’t know enough about javascript to finish the script.

Replace (/([\d]{3})([\d]{3})([\d]{4})/g with ($1) $2-$3

It seems like a fairly simple script, but I can’t for the life of me find one that’s already available. Can anyone help me?

Hope this helps

var num ="9546302299";

// A regular expression literal.
var reg = /^(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})/

// Sequence put into an array
var seq = [3,3,4];
// The same as reg1, but this time using a new Regular Expression object. 
// This way we can build a customized regular expression.
var reg2 = new RegExp('^(\\\\d{'+seq[0]+'})(\\\\d{'+seq[1]+'})(\\\\d{'+seq[2]+'})');

// 'a' is the complete match. n1,n2 and n3 are backrefences n1(..) n2(..) n3(..)
var phoneNum = num.replace(reg2, function(a, n1, n2, n3){return "("+n1+") "+n2+"-"+n3;});

console.log(phoneNum); // (954) 630-2299

I’m guessing you will also need to ‘walk the dom’.


One thing you need to remember is that most of the world’s phone numbers do not fit that format.

Need to remove the ‘^’ at the beginning of the regex.
var reg = /(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/

One thing you need to remember is that most of the world’s phone numbers do not fit that format.

Fair point.

For starters


Just a rough idea.

// ['Initial match', 'Pattern to grab from match', 'function to replace with']
var matches = { 
  f1 : ["\\\\d{10}", "(\\\\d{3})(\\\\d{3})(\\\\d{4})", function(a, n1, n2, n3){return "("+n1+") "+n2+"-"+n3;}],
  f2 : ["\\\\d{11}", "(\\\\d{3})(\\\\d{4})(\\\\d{4})", function(a, n1, n2, n3){return n1+' - '+n2+' - '+n3;}]

var numberCheck = function(node, mtches){

  var result = [],
  regMtch = new RegExp(mtches[0]), // Initial match
  regRep = new RegExp(mtches[1]), // To replace pattern
  matchFn = mtches[2]; // With
  var check = function(text){
    var mtch = text.match(regMtch);
	if (mtch) result.push(mtch[0].replace(regRep, matchFn));
  (function walkDom(node){
	if (node.nodeType === 3 && !/\
/.test(node.nodeValue)) check(node.nodeValue);
	node = node.firstChild;
	while (node){
		node = node.nextSibling;
  return result;


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Num Check</title>
<p>What are you planning to do with my number 9546302299?</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// ['Initial match', 'Pattern to grab from match', 'function to replace with']
var matches = { 
  f1 : ["\\\\d{10}", "(\\\\d{3})(\\\\d{3})(\\\\d{4})", function(a, n1, n2, n3){return "("+n1+") "+n2+"-"+n3;}],
  f2 : ["\\\\d{11}", "(\\\\d{3})(\\\\d{4})(\\\\d{4})", function(a, n1, n2, n3){return n1+' - '+n2+' - '+n3;}]

var numberCheck = function(node, mtches){

  var result = [],
  regMtch = new RegExp(mtches[0]), // Initial match
  regRep = new RegExp(mtches[1]), // To replace pattern
  matchFn = mtches[2]; // With
  var check = function(text){
    var mtch = text.match(regMtch);
	if (mtch) result.push(mtch[0].replace(regRep, matchFn));
  (function walkDom(node){
	if (node.nodeType === 3 && !/\
/.test(node.nodeValue)) check(node.nodeValue);
	node = node.firstChild;
	while (node){
		node = node.nextSibling;
  return result;

console.log(numberCheck(document, matches.f1)); 
// ["(954) 630-2299", "(954) 630-2299", "(020) 769-6969", "(020) 822-2444", "(020) 896-9669", "(459) 620-3922"]


Thanks for the assistance.

I gave the most recent script you posted a whirl but it doesn’t seem to be formatting any of the phone numbers in the unordered list. :frowning:

Have you got the firebug plug-in for firefox? or alternatively Chrome (press ctrl-shift-j)?

You need that to see console.log’s output.

Otherwise change

console.log(numberCheck(document, matches.f1));


alert(numberCheck(document, matches.f1)); 

I’ve just copied the code from this page into notepad++ and excuted it and it runs fine in firefox, ie, safari and chrome.

Edit: By the way it’s just a rough to work from (possibly). For one you want it to work on pages you’re viewing (not sure how you go about that) and two as Felgall pointed out number formats vary, so you may well have to ammend patterns or add new ones.