Read out a array from a URL


I search for a way to read out a array from a URL and put it into a destination link on the same site.

exp. mysitedotcom/100

Now i will cut the number, in my case the number 100 and put it into a destination link of a banner on my site.

exp. destiantionlinkdotcom/100

I think the first step is to read out the URL but how is next?

<?php $indicesServer = array('REQUEST_URI') ; echo '<table cellpadding="10">' ; foreach ($indicesServer as $arg) { if (isset($_SERVER[$arg])) { echo ''. $_SERVER[$arg] . '' ; } else { ; }

Can you help me?
Iam a newbie in PHP

This is my site for testing:


To me, some pseudo-code would be:

  1. Get the $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] - will return “/100” in your example, but might return “/subdir/100?srch=fred” if your site allows it

  2. Search through it for a query start mark “?” and remove it and anything after it. This will remove the query-string in point 1.

  3. Search backwards from the end until you hit a “/”, and remove it and anything before it. This will remove the “/subdir/” in point 1.

Obviously points two and three depend on whether there’s any chance, in your site, that these extra parts will be present. But I’d be doing it as a function, with an eye to whether I can use it for anything in the future, so the more it supports the better.

Have a search around, there’s plenty of articles on how to work with the URL in PHP.

Here are some functions which may be of use:

    // formats $val and makes arrays easier to read
    function dd($val=null, $title='')
        echo '<pre>'; 
            echo '<b>' .$title .'</b><br />';
        echo '</pre>';    

    $url = '';
    echo '<a href="' .$url .'"> PHP URL Functions</a>';

    dd($_SERVER, '$_SERVER parametes:');
    echo '',
    $url = 'http://'.  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/' .$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $aUrl = parse_url($url);
    dd($aUrl, 'URL component breakdown:');

    $aParams = explode( '/', $aUrl['path']   ) ;
    dd($aParams, 'URL Parameters: ');

One point of detail in your code, you don’t need an else clause if there is nothing to do.

Thank for your great help!

After reading tons of postings, i have reached a positive result…

$urlPart = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if(in_array("ref", $urlPart));
$ref = $urlPart[2];

Now i can extract the number from my URL and insert it in my destination link.

echo '<a href="' . $urlPart[2] . ' " target="_blank">';

Is this right?

Now I have a problem with the HTML5 Template and the PHP href function…
The PHP Link destroys my HTML5 Template and the Link (mouse over) will be shown over the slide images.
Do you have an Idea why?

HERE ist the link to the testsite

I honestly think there is a way easier way of doing it.

$array = array('/ref/' => '');
$url = strtr($url, $array);


With this snippet, you take what you know from the URL and you just basically strip that from the string and print out the remaining characters. If the URL doesn’t change file paths, you’ll be ok with this.

From what I can see, you placed your snippet in a wrong place. It looks like you’ve placed it directly right after

 <!DOCTYPE html>

That’s why it is screwing up your HTML markup. You need to place the PHP snippet in the appropriate spot otherwise, you’ll get that result. Also, looking at your HTML source code. It looks like your 2nd link you are attempting to create isn’t closed correctly. I am seeing red lines on both those 2 lines.

From what I can see, you placed your snippet in a wrong place. It looks like you’ve placed it directly right after

No, i have only copied the code to this place for testing.
They don’t make more troubles, but i have erased him, now.

How you can see, that the 2nd link is not closed correctly?

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Right here. You aren’t closing the link. You’re just letting it dangle. It needs </a> to close it. Plus, you had placed the same code right after your <!DOCTYPE html> markup which basically caused your page to look screwed up. You need to place it else where.

Right here. You aren’t closing the link. You’re just letting it dangle. It needs to close it. Plus, you had placed the same code right after your markup which basically caused your page to look screwed up. You need to place it else where.

I can’t close the Link with

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<’ in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\\ref\index.php on line 85

I can’t understand this…

You placed something there and started to delete stuff. Most likely a nested HTML markup inside PHP. Can we see your full code? I will try to debug it.

<!DOCTYPE html>

$urlPart = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (in_array("ref", $urlPart));
$ref = $urlPart[2];

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Are you trying to make the button the reference link or the background image from the slider?

The button…

Try this. I have cleaned up your snippet. The whole page has no proper spacing so I reformatted using the tab key. When you copy it, you’ll most likely get a replacement of 4 spaces which is equivalent to the tab key. You were probably receiving the unexpected < error message because you were trying to add or delete something on line 85 which would cause it to give you a fatal error if you are doing it via PHP. I would also like to advise that you don’t really need the if statement because when you use explode, it will create an array automatically. So I have removed your if statement.

$urlPart = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$ref = $urlPart[2];
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                <h4>Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled</h4>

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                    <h3>Mr. Graham</h3>
                    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, </p>

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                    <h3>Mr. David</h3>
                    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, </p>
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                    <h3>Mr. Hovid</h3>
                    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, </p>

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                    <h3>Mr Jasak</h3>
                    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, </p>
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                    <h3>Mr. Joy Ka</h3>
                    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, </p>

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                    <h3>Mr. Mikari</h3>
                    <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, </p>
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Try this. I have cleaned up your snippet. The whole page has no proper spacing so I reformatted using the tab key. When you copy it, you’ll most likely get a replacement of 4 spaces which is equivalent to the tab key. You were probably receiving the unexpected < error message because you were trying to add or delete something on line 85 which would cause it to give you a fatal error if you are doing it via PHP. I would also like to advise that you don’t really need the if statement because when you use explode, it will create an array automatically. So I have removed your if statement.

Great Job!
It works! Big Thanks from Austria-Europe!

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