Quickly test your domains names, web pages and web files

How to quickly test ALL .htaccess modifications


This online utility is for anyone who has made changes to a .htaccess file and quickly wants to test all possible URL variations - without having to repeatedly clear the browser cache.


  1. Open https://Supiet2.tk

  2. Type in a domain name or copy/paste URLs into the Domain name text area.

  3. Check ar least one of the required Protocol checkboxes.

  4. Start the test by selecting either the Simple or Verbose buttons.

Please note: Protocol and Schema are interchangeable


    Response_code    Message
    200..299         Hunky Dory
    300..399         Redirected to another URL
    400..499         Whoops web-page problem
    500..599         Disaster - site problem

Response Codes Summary:

Courtesy of Wiki: HTTP Status Codes

This App’ can also be used for testing:

    *  any web file
    *  any domain name
    *  recently modified .htaccess files
    *  other large organisation's redirections
    *  response times, cache control, content-type, etc


In the good old days there were only two URL variants:

 1.  http://
 2.  http://www

OH how the times have changed…

...the Internet became far more technical and remarkably complicated. Online banking, web payments and other internet monetary transactions became available which were easily breached. It was necessary to introduce new online theft prevention and the two more security URL variants were introduced...

    1. https://
    2. https://www

Background Stuff:

When a URL is called from a browser a vast amount of validation script is involved

Further details can be found at Wiki.com, search for http access codes which will keep you busy for a couple of months!

The depth of detail to ensure absolutely every possible scenario is covered is phenomenal.

Internet users have no idea the amount of work which has gone into this project.

The Team have not forgotten their humorous side:

Response_Code: 418

It certainly raised a chuckle :slight_smile:

Problems have arisen…

Two HTTP Protocols were easily manageable. Now if an old HTTP URL Protocol is rendered nearly all web browsers show horrible warning messages even though the site maybe a blog and just renders information!

To eliminate the browser warnings a .htaccess file can be used to redirect all the old HTTP Protocols to the new secure HTTPS big brother schemes.

The tedious process to eliminate warnings and errors
Every change to the .htaccess file requires:

  1.  modify and upload .htaccess file
  2.  clear the browse cache
  3.  test http://domain-name.tld
  4.  test https://domain-name.tld
  5.  test http://www.domain-name.tld
  6.  test https://www.domain-name.tld

Repeat all six steps… until the desired result is achieved :frowning:

…but now there is an App’ for the last five steps

Using this Online Utility eliminates step #2 completely!

Also, instead of repeating the last four steps it is possible to send the HTTP Requests from the Online Server and request the URL Header information. Combine the request with Curl and the time taken for the four steps is usually less than a second!

5xx HTTP Response codes slow the fetching process until the allotted time-out is reached. This means that even if all four Protocols fail the maximum elapsed time is five seconds because Curl is programmed to run each request simultaneously.

The Curl alloted time is set to about 5 seconds.

I have learnt a lot writing this utility and welcome suggestions or enquiries.


Whoops, updated the script so that it correctly identified sub-domains and does not add the www. prefix… unfortunately the script now incorrectly assumes the double TLD such as .co.th treats the domain name as a sub-directory :frowning:

Domains with a single TLD extension report without any problems.

I will have to think about how to solve this bug and perhaps raise a Topic in the PHP section :slight_smile:

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I managed to fix the bug and it works for all the URLs I tested.

Let me know if any URLs did not report as expected.


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