
It was not dead, it was just beaten! Poor old horse …

And I will introduce them to Sylvia Browne. Now, where’s my money?

hahaha – You want money for that, Dan? Wow, keep on barking up that tree :weee:

Well, that would cover my “consultation fee”, the costs of getting them out to California (or to New York if they were to interview her on the Montell Williams show), taxes, insurance, Sylvia’s fee (which I’d have to pay for)… :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe she can foretell you what the rest of your life will bring?

Maybe she can also give you one of those oh soooo long and “knowing” looks :slight_smile:

You will be plenty rewarded for those expenses that you will have to fork over to pay for those lovely fingernails and lashes.

“Sylvia Browne would like people to believe she has the psychic ability to communicate with the dead and to diagnose their ailments. She has broken three promises made on international television to take the JREF One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge. More than two years have passed since her first promise.”

Of course. Those kinds of things get always just glossed over by the gullible :smiley:
Why would it be any different with her or any other of her ilk? Past - Present - Future.

Try reading the whole thing. Sounds like most of the terms were agreed to, but not all. I hardly call that a broken promise on her part.

Yes, I can say I do believe in paranormal, psychics ect - people have to respect other peoples beliefs.

Now on the other hand, ‘magic’ I do not believe in, the main reason being is because nobody has ever done a magic trick on me before, or have I seen one. Well, I’ve seen them pennys ones where you get from the local paper shop! :rofl:

The last correspondence referenced in that article was her refusing a letter that provided proof of the funds. This was on May 22nd of 2003. In addition to the letter, her office was emailed, faxed, and phone called in attempts to provide the proof she desired.

If Sylvia Browne had psychic powers, this challenge would be no big deal … little different from her television appearances or 20 minute phone calls that any of us could get for $750. She’s already agreed to the terms of the test itself.

It would be like you or I proving we know the basics of html for 1000% our usual rate.

I know a few people who claim that they have experienced something like this…namely that they’ve started singing, and then walked into someone elses room only to find that song on the radio. I think there could be 3 explanations:

  1. Coincidence
  2. Hearing it at a low level subconsciously
  3. My favourite theory…we subconsciously learn to associate radiowaves that we pick up with certain songs, and this triggers us to start singing them.

Probably 1 but I’d love it to be 3!

[FONT=“Georgia”]What ??

No no no… that’s not what I meant at all.

Okay okay… another example.

Sharks have a sixth sense. No nothing paranromal. They have little holes called electroreceptors around the sides of their heads.

So do platypi.

Anyways… my hair-brained theory is that seeing that every living thing on the planet evolved from similar roots, then perhaps we have some lingering electroreption ability. The same way that whales have those lingering finger bones in their flippers.

It’s hard to descibe this without sounding like some looney person. I can just imagine Datura reading this and shaking her head.[/FONT]

Actually Shaun, Datura is not shaking her head. I think you are really onto something with the possibility of sensing electric fields, certain currents, even radio waves. One can experience this in thunderstorms, when weather systems approach. But that is a physiological manifestation, not belonging into the realm of mysticism.

It is very different from reading tea leaves and speaking a few minutes on the phone and predicting what your future will hold. Those have nothing to do with each other, and you know it. You should not confuse these very different issues and mix them as if they were one, to give validity to the thing that has non.

That is the tool a mystic uses to deceive himself, to convince himself, a false proof based in a stolen premise.

[FONT=“Georgia”]Well electroreception aside…

I’m still going to adopt the on-the-fence approach to the mysticism (certain things like ESP. I’ll take a pass on the tea-leaves).

Perhaps they only seem mystical because we can’t explain them yet. Again, there’s nothing to prove it nor dis-prove it so I cannot decide. The rules of science (by which I like to abide) tell me that I’m not allowed to dismiss the possibility.

The b*stards who trick people. Who swindle relatives that’ve lost a loved one. Those who do con jobs on the weak-minded. These guys I consider to be a separate issue altogether.

These guys are just after money or fame. All of them. This has nothing to do with science or ability.

If anyone in this thread tells me that they think Ms. Cleo, Benny Hinn, or any other worthless psychic friend is real I will personally fly over to your country and hit you.[/FONT]


Here is a free psychic reading for you all. I have spent ages studying you with my psychic powers and now I am ready to reveal the real you. Please consider which of the following statements are true about yourself.

You like other people to like you and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. [/LIST]

  • Although you have some small personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them.
  • You know that you have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage.
  • While you are disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to worry and feel insecure on the inside at times.
  • Sometimes you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing.
  • You prefer a certain amount of change and variety in your life and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.
  • You take pride in the fact that you are an independent thinker; and do not accept others’ statements without satisfactory proof.
  • You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others until you feel you can trust them.
  • Sometimes you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved.
  • From time to time you realise that some of your aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic.

How do I know so much about you; the truth is I don’t know anything about you, but this is the sort of garbage that so called “psychics” use to to convince people that they are genuine and are tuned into their inner thoughts.

LOL :lol: Of course. Predictions always sound just like that, because every person has issues of this sort and therefore has to agree. The structure is clever, mass movements of the mystic kind depend on this kind of manipulation. The gullible just gloss over that and take it as a revelation of some kind.

Love it Chris

it depends really… ive heard reallly spooky stories however i dont believe it but… if someone told me something about someone who had died and only i knew that one thing they said then i would definitely be impressed if not amazed by that. I dont agree with the whole commercial side of it.

There is another side to it, sometimes its what some ppl need to deal with a death or a way of coping with the idea that there is something more after dying. If it gets them through then i dont see harm in it, we all need something like that afterall.

I do not need stuff like that :slight_smile:

all comments were appreciated. we have our own beliefs in life. But for me its still “us” who will do our destiny…