Programming Language Popularity

I just spotted this language popularity graph on a HackReactor blog post. It doesn’t show the effects of changes over time as far as I can tell, but it makes interesting reading for sure. Does it feel about right to people here?

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I’m surprised C# is that far up on # of GitHub projects. I would have guessed it would be more middle chart, than up there with PHP, JavaScript and Ruby.

Surprised to see FORTRAN so high up the scale, and Ada (who uses Ada???)

I think that might be down to the way it’s being calculated - it’s done on rank rather than total number of projects. For all we know, C# could have 50,000 less projects than JS or PHP, but be just 50 more than say Haskell - so artificially inflating it’s position on the chart. Something using a scale based on number of projects/questions could look very different.

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I know a Ms. Lovelace did, but after that…

^^not strictly true, but it was a good line…

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That’s a good visualization, I think. I actually don’t think I’ve seen that correlation before (somehow!)

You might find this interesting too:

And this:

I do remember seeing quite a lot of comment on the SO survey - I might have looked at the survey itself too, but I’m not 100% certain.

heads off to look at the GH link

That GitHub page is a brilliantly worked infographic. What immediately struck me is that pretty much everything is growing numerically. Flipping it into % though, shows up those technologies that are losing ground against others, Objective-C for example. It really does seem to show the massive growth in the need for “code”.

Edit: And a notable absence of .Net

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C# is on there and it’s on there. They were released together, so C# is pretty much .Net.

VB at #31 and F# is even on there near the end at #44.

That’s kind of like saying Rails and Laravel are absent.

Don’t feel bad, for whatever reason just about everyone confuses the framework as a language when it comes to NET

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I would have expected to have seen SQL up with PHP given how for most sites it’s needed

I would expect the algorithm being used is limited to detecting languages through file extensions on git. If that is the case there probably isn’t a whole lot of of files sitting around in repositories with database extensions. Most modern projects have moved that type of logic into the application layer as migrations.

In that case, surely MySQL wouldn’t show up at all?

MySQL doesn’t. SQL does. MySQL is an implementation of SQL. There is also MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, and Oracle DB, plus probably a few other smaller ones.

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