Profile pic change system like facebook

I want to create a profile pic change system
Can any one give me coding about this?

You just need an image upload form that saves the new picture over the old one.

The hardest part would be getting the original name of the picture to overwrite.

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Sir i need coding

We all have needs. :violin:

For example, before I could even begin to offer suggestions, let alone think about what code might be needed, I would need to know the details.

Sorry, but “change a profile picture” is no where near enough information.


Welcome to SitePoint forums, @haseebazeem13. I think you will find the people here very friendly and helpful, but one thing we do not do is provide free work. If you have started this profile pic change system and are stuck, I’m sure someone would be happy to help you out, or even point you to some resources that will help you get started.

Perhaps you could start by posting what you have done so far, or at least let us know what your coding background and experience is.


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