I have created a function to parse some data from twitter URLs and that way embed the tuit:
$titulo = "";
$fecha = "";
$nombrecompleto = "";
$nombre_usuario = "";
$url = "https://twitter.com/XboxQwik/status/884071790481256448";
$html = file_get_html($url);
$posts = $html->find('div[class=js-tweet-text-container]');
$titulo = $posts[0]->find('p',0);
$posts = $html->find('div[class=client-and-actions]');
$fecha = $posts[0]->find('span',0);
$posts = $html->find('span[class=FullNameGroup]');
$nombrecompleto = $posts[0]->find('strong',0);
$posts = $html->find('a[class=js-user-profile-link]');
$nombre_usuario = $posts[0]->find('span',1);
$codigo = generateRandomString();
//traducimos la imagen a código html
$url_html = "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\" data-lang=\"es\"><p lang=\"es\" dir=\"ltr\">" . $titulo . "</p>— " . $nombrecompleto . " (" . $nombre_usuario . ") <a href=" . $url . ">" . $fecha . "</a></blockquote>";
I have been trying it with many tuits and work fine, but with this user I´m enable to parse any of its tuits.
Don’t know why.