Problem with sprite sheet animation

I have 3 siders animated at the top of the canvas. I try to add 5 more from a for loop and they are added but they’re moving at an accelerated rate and I don’t get why. You can view ot running here:

Here’s my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

     <title>Animating with sprite sheets</title>

         body {
            background: rbga(9,9,0,1);

         #canvas {
            position: absolute;
            left: 0px;
            top:  0px;
            margin: 20px;
            background-color: rgba(200,180,90,0.2);


    <canvas id='canvas' width='900' height='900'>
      Canvas not supported

    <script src='../shared/js/sprites.js'></script>
    <script src='spiderTurn.js'></script>    


var cvsOffScreen1 = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctxOffScreen1 = cvsOffScreen1.getContext('2d');

var cvsOffScreen2 = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctxOffScreen2 = cvsOffScreen2.getContext('2d');

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
    context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
    spritesheet = new Image(),
    spiderCells = [
      { left: 0,   top: 0, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 120,   top: 0, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 240,   top: 0, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 360,   top: 0, width: 120, height: 150 },

      { left: 0,     top:150, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 120,   top:150, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 240,   top:150, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 360,   top:150, width: 120, height: 150 },

      { left: 0,   top: 300, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 120,   top: 300, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 240,   top: 300, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 360,   top: 300, width: 120, height: 150 },

      { left: 0,   top: 450, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 120,   top: 450, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 240,   top: 450, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 360,   top: 450, width: 120, height: 150 },

      { left: 0,   top: 600, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 120,   top: 600, width: 120, height: 150 },
      { left: 240,   top: 600, width: 120, height: 150 },      
    sprite = new Sprite('spider', new SpriteSheetPainter(spiderCells)),
   // interval,
    lastAdvance = 0,
    paused = false,
// functions .........................................

 function loadImage(imgFile, onload){
// //function loadImage(imgFile){    
//     var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function() { exec(spritesheet); };
    spritesheet.src = imgFile;

function copyOff2on() {
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

 // it is possible to use subImage as stamp     

var xCoord = Math.floor((Math.random() * 900) + 1);
var yCoord = Math.floor((Math.random() * 900) + 1);   

// apply transformation 

for (var i = 0; i <5; i++) {;
context.rotate(90 * (Math.PI/180));

context.drawImage(cvsOffScreen2, xCoord, -yCoord);

var w = 120; var h = 150;
var dataToTranslate = ctxOffScreen1.getImageData(0,0,w,h);

// Animation.....................................................

function animate(time) {
ctxOffScreen2.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
      if (time - lastAdvance > PAGEFLIP_INTERVAL) {
         lastAdvance = time;        

// Initialization................................................
xPos = 20;
yPos = 20;
spritesheet.src = '../shared/images/spider_crawl.png';
sprite.left = xPos; = yPos;
lastAdvance = 0;

I found a problem. The code in the loop is necessary in order to be able to apply transforms and rotation on the spiders. I took it out of the loop so as to only be creating 1 spider, that didn’t help, I wrote in integers instead of using random numbers that did work so I think maybe all I need is to insure I’m getting whole numbers back from the random function. To be continued…

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