Problem with Selectors

So close to a larger solution, but stuck on this little issue… :headbang:

I have this HTML…

<p><span class="byline"><b>2 days ago - by Kate Shaw</b> | Posted in: Nobel Intent</span></p>
	Individuality increases with group size in rodents, making it
	easier to recognize group members among lots of potential targets.

I want to apply a Bottom Margin only when there is a <P> by itself.

If there is a <P> tag and something else (e.g. “<p><span class=“byline”>”) then the Bottom Margin I define here…

	margin: 0.2em 0 2em 0;
	font: 0.8em/1.3 arial;

should be ignored!!!

How do I do that??


If there is a <P> tag and something else (e.g. “<p><span class=“byline”>”) then the Bottom Margin I define here… should be ignored!!!
No it shouldn’t, the <p> tag is not capable of checking to see if there is a span in it and then changing it’s margins if a span present.
What your asking for there is what would be called a Parent Selector and it’s not available with CSS.

How do I do that??
Put the class back on the <p> like I had already done in my last example from your related thread.

The reasons I did that were twofold :

  1. for margin differences
  2. and text styling

Nesting every bit of text in the span from the opening to the closing of the <p> makes that a useless span.

It’s not adding anymore styling ability than the p-class could not have handled on it’s own.

If the <span> spans the whole of the <p>, why not save yourself a tag and put a class on the <p> instead? Then you can simply override any general paragraph styling with p.byline {…}