Problem with phpMyAdmin

I put on the web a dictionary of ancient language taking model on the Kevin Hank’s book :
“Build your own database driven web site with php and mysql”.
All is Ok,
But, my web hoster indicate PhpMyAdmin uses MySQL Client Version 5.5.49 .
and my database is MySQL version 4.0
The version of php is 4.4.

Do you think this cause malfunctions ?
In fact, some of my basic fields are declared void by phpMyAdmin
while querying by the web proves otherwise …

Definitely not a good idea to use such a long dead security hole as that PHP version now is.

The latest version of PHP is 7 and the earliest that is still supported is 5.5 but support for that ends later this week after which 5.6 will be the oldest version still supported.

Also PHP 4.4 doesn’t support either of the current database interfaces - it only supports one that ceased to exist last year.

I would be less worried about the php version and more worried about the server itself. A server running that old of php probably is running a obsolete os riddled with known security vulnerabilities. The website must not be all that important.

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Its necessary for you to upgrade your PHP versions or server since you are on PHP 4.4 and just wait for a week PHP 5.5 security support will end.

How do I do to get a recent version of php ?
Rewrite all the scripts?

That depends - if it’s hosted by you on a machine you have control over, there are various upgrade guides around, some quoted on here quite recently. If it’s your web host (as I think you said in #1) then you’ll have to either get them to upgrade it, or switch to another host that uses newer versions.

That depends on what features you’ve used from the old version, and what version your server gets upgraded to. For example @felgall says the version you have only supports the old-style mysql database calls (mysql_query for example) which have been removed from PHP 7 - so if your server goes up to PHP 7, you’ll have to rewrite that part, but if it only gets upgraded to 5.6, then you only should rewrite those parts.

A site running on version 4 should probably be completely rebuilt. Take this as an opportunity to completely revamp the site, possibly move it onto a modern framework or cms.

I noticed that the fields that appear empty with phpmyadmin are those that contain accented letters…

in the same way , the drop-down menus are not displaying texts that contain accented letters … !
Look here :
Have you an explanation ?

For a start you should set up your character encoding properly.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

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