I am having some problem with
pclzip module
PclZip Overview
here is link which m using for zipping file on my site
but problem is that it zip good but having two problem first one is
which directory i mention in it it does not create zip file in that directory it create on the main like www.domain.com/zipfile
whatever i directory give i have try many
and The second Main ProBlem is that
it when i zip something in sub folder like
MainFOlder –> OneMoreFolderInFolder–>OneMoreFolderInFolder
i give him path like
when this create zip
it create zip with this all folders
mean we extract zip we find
3 folders
like first we FInd which NameweChoose than there will be one more folder mainfolder then there will be one more folder in that folder Songs and then theere with be moviename folder
mean why it zipping like this how to handle this Problem ?
Mean i just want my don’t have all folders which i give in path only which foldername i give just put all files in that
How is possible ?