Problem with Jcarousel

Hi I am using a jcarousel on this page (user: demo, pass: demo), the problem is that when you scroll to the right on the carousel, the last image is not fully but partially displayed, how can I fix that? thanks

If you look to the left of the screen you will see that the missing part is shown there, so it is not moving left far enough. Perhaps the JCarousel website can help you.

A more serious problem with your site is that if you resize the window by moving in the right hand side past the JCarousel arrow the whole display breaks pushing the images down below the box that should contain them. You might like to have a look at this.

It looks like in your CSS the width of the list items for the carousel is being set to 178px and the actual images within them are 185px wide.

Adjusting the width of the “.jcarousel-skin .jcarousel-item” to 185px (and adjusting any margins accordingly) should do the trick.