Problem With Contact form

hey guys,
I have some trouble with my contact form of my website . The problem is that I have written a JavaScript function to check if all the fields were filled in and if the input is valid . Now I wrote the JavaScript in a different file witch I have include in my website but for some reason it won’t work . If i put my script in the head everything works fine but that’s not allowed . It’s a project for school .
here I provide you with the js and the html code .

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
        Welkom bij videotheek productia

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="author" content="Video's" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/contact.js"></script>


<div id="header">

    <div class="banner">

	<img src="./img/banner.jpg" height="175" width="750" alt="SlideShow"  />


    <div class="menu">
        <a href="index.html">Home</a>
        <a href="overzicht.html">Overzicht</a>
        <a href="portfolio.html">Portfolio</a>
        <a href="betaling.html">Betaling</a>
        <a href="facturatie.html">Facturatie</a>
        <a class="active" >Contact</a>


<div id="body">

    <div class="mid">
					<p id="error"> </p>

					<form  id="contact" action=""  method="post" enctype="text/plain">
				<label for="naam">Naam</label>
				<input name="naam" id="naam" type="text" size="25" />
				<label for="email">E-mail</label>
				<input name="email" id="email" type="text" size="25" />

					<label for="onderwerp">Onderwerp</label>
					<select id="onderwerp" name="onderwerp" >
										<option value="Kies het onderwerp">Kies het onderwerp</option>
										<option value="Vraag">Vraag</option>
										<option value="Opmerking">Opmerking</option>
										<option value="Fout op website">Fout op website</option>
										<option value="Overig">Overig</option>
				<label for="bericht">Bericht</label>
				<textarea name="bericht" id="bericht" rows="9" cols="40"></textarea>
				<input name="submit" type ="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Verstuur" />
				<input name="reset"	type="reset" value="Reset" />



<div id="footer">
    <p> &copy; Alexander Coopmans Inf 106 B </p>



Js file:

var theForm;
document.getElementById("submitbutton").addEventListener(submit, 'click', function() {
    theForm.naam = $('naam').value; = $('email').value;
    theForm.onderwerp = $('onderwerp').value;
    theForm.bericht = $('bericht').value;

function validateFormOnSubmit(theForm) {
    var reason;


    if (reason != "") {
        document.getElementById("error")= Element("Sommige velden hebben uw aandacht nodig : \
" + reason);
        return false;

        return true;


function checkDropdown(fld) {
    var error = " ";

    if (fld.value == "Kies het onderwerp") { = 'Red';
        error = "U hebt geen keuze gemaakt uit de keuzelijst.\
    else{ = 'White';

    return error;

function checkname (fld) {
    var error = "";
    if (fld.value == "") { = 'Red';
        error = "U hebt geen naam ingevuld.\

    else{ = 'White';

    var magniet = '/[\\(\\)\\<\\>\\,\\;\\:\\\\\\/"\\[\\]]/]';
    if (fld.value.match(magniet)) { = 'Red';
        error="De naam bevat verboden tekens.\

    else{ = 'White';

    return error;

function validateEmpty(fld) {
    var error = "";

    if (fld.value.length == 0) { = 'Red';
        error = "Je hebt geen bericht geschreven.\
    } else { = 'White';
    return error;

function trim(s)
    return s.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/, '');
function validateEmail(fld) {
    var error="";
    var tfld = trim(fld.value);                        // value of field with whitespace trimmed off
    var emailFilter = /^[^@]+@[^@.]+\\.[^@]*\\w\\w$/ ;
    var illegalChars= /[\\(\\)\\<\\>\\,\\;\\:\\\\\\"\\[\\]]/ ;

    if (fld.value == "") { = 'Red';
        error = "Je heb geen e-mail adres ingevuld .\
    } else if (!emailFilter.test(tfld)) {              //test email for illegal characters = 'Red';
        error = "Vul een geldig e-mail adres in alstublieft.\
    } else if (fld.value.match(illegalChars)) { = 'Red';
        error = "Het e-mail adres bevat niet toegelaten tekens.\
    } else { = 'White';
    return error;

Hi Alexander_003. Welcome to SitePoint. :slight_smile:

Where is your file located in relation to the page?

what do you mean you can see the include in the header op my html page .

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“./js/contact.js”></script>

I want to do the following thing I want to send the form to the js function so all fields can be checked.

You said it wasn’t working, so the first thing to check is that your path is correct. So I am asking you to describe where the js file is in relation to this page so that we can tell you if it’s right or not. Your current link is asking the page to look for the /js/ folder in the same folder as the current page. Is that where it’s located?

yes me js files are located in the js folder wich is located in de root so the files are in …/js/

I think the problem is the comunication between the form and the js file.

Still may be worth playing with the file path, though. If the /js/ folder is in the root, I would link to it like this (without the dot):

<script type="text/javascript" src="[COLOR="Red"]/js/[/COLOR]contact.js"></script>

If the JS works when embedded in the page, I would think the problem is most likely to be a file path.