Problem in getting the value in select option using ajax, php and mysql


It’s my first time to use ajax and I used it to get the bin_loc per lot_number where I choose in select option per ItemCode.

And now I get the bin_loc but the problem is I only get the bin_loc of the first select option the rest was not.

Here is my code of PickingForm.php

   date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone
$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root','');

if (!$con) {
    echo 'failed';

mysql_select_db("mes", $con);
$Date_Shelve =date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
<link href="kanban.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
var xmlhttp;  // Give the function a unique name, this is what your HTML will call to run the AJAX
function select_code() {      // This is all just setting up the variable, ignore it
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {          // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {          // code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
       // alert(xmlhttp.readyState+" "+xmlhttp.status);
       // alert(xmlhttp.readyState+" "+xmlhttp.status);
    document.getElementById("bin_loc").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;

        //var mydata=xmlhttp.responseText;
var val = document.getElementById("lot_number");
var lot_number = val.options[val.selectedIndex].text;

var parameters = "lot_number="
                + lot_number;
      "POST", "PickingFormTest.php", true);
                xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
//var mydata=xmlhttp.responseText;



  <div id="SR_date">
<label>Date :</label>
<input type="text" name="date_pick" value="<?php echo $Date_Shelve; ?>" size="16" readonly="readonly" style="border: none;">

 <div id="Picking">
  $sr_num_ = $_POST['sr_num_'];

//$sql = "SELECT sr_number "

$sql = "SELECT sr_number, Items, DemandedQty, uom
FROM sr_main WHERE sr_number = '$sr_num_'";
$res_sr_main = mysql_query($sql, $con);

$row_num = mysql_num_rows($res_sr_main);

if($row_num > 0){

while($row_sr_main = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_sr_main)){

$sr_number_ = $row_sr_main['sr_number'];
$items = $row_sr_main['Items'];
$demandedqty = $row_sr_main['DemandedQty'];
$uom = $row_sr_main['uom'];
echo "<label> SR # :</label>";
echo "<input type='text' readonly='readonly' style='border:none;' id='sr_number_' name='sr_number_' value='$sr_number_'>";

echo "<table>";
echo "<th>Items</th>
        <th> Item Code </th>
        <th> Demanded Qty </th>
        <th> UoM </th>
        <th> Description </th>
        <th> Lot Number </th>
        <th> Bin Location </th>
        <th> Picked By </th>
        <th> Approved</th>";
echo "<tr>
        <td style='text-align:right;'>$demandedqty</td>

$sql_sub = "SELECT s.sr_number, s.Items, s.ItemCode, s.SubQty, s.UoM, s.Description
FROM sr_submain s WHERE s.sr_number = '$sr_num_' and s.Items = '$items' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT w.stock_item FROM wms w WHERE s.ItemCode = w.stock_item AND w.sr_number = s.sr_number AND (w.qty_withdraw !='0.00' OR w.qty_withdraw = 'NULL'))";

$res_sub = mysql_query($sql_sub, $con);

while($row_sub = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_sub)){

   echo "<form name='picking_lotnum' action='PickingForm.php?sr_num_=".$sr_num_."' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data' target='_self'>";

  $sr_num = $row_sub['sr_number'];
  $Items = $row_sub['Items'];
  $ItemCode = $row_sub['ItemCode'];
  $SubQty = $row_sub['SubQty'];
  $UoM = $row_sub['UoM'];
  $Description = $row_sub['Description'];

$query = "SELECT lot_number from wms WHERE (date_shelve IS NOT NULL) AND stock_item = '$ItemCode' AND (qty = orig_qty OR qty != '0.00') AND qty >= '$SubQty' ORDER BY qty";
$rows = mysql_query($query, $con);

 echo "<tr>
        <td><input type='text' name='ItemCode' id='ItemCode' value='$ItemCode' readonly='readonly' style='border:none;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: .9em;'></td>
        <td><input type='text' name='SubQty' id='SubQty' value='$SubQty' readonly = 'readonly' style='border:none; text-align:right;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: .9em;'></td>

echo "<td><select name = 'lot_number' id='lot_number' onChange='select_code();'>";
 echo "<option></option>";
  while ($record = mysql_fetch_array($rows))
      echo "<option value = '{$record['lot_number']}'";
      if ($lot_number == $record['lot_number'])
      echo "selected = 'selected'";
       echo ">{$record['lot_number']}</option>";
  echo "</select>";
  echo "</td>";

  echo "<td id='bin_loc'></td>";
  echo "<td> <input type='text' name='picked_by' id='picked_by' size='20' value=''> </td>";
     echo "<td><input type='submit' name='priority' value='Approved' id='priority'></td>";

     echo "</tr>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='date_pick' value='$Date_Shelve' size='16' style='border: none;'>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' readonly='readonly' style='border:none;' id='sr_num_' name='sr_num_' value='$sr_number_'>";
     echo "</form>";
  echo "</table>";
  echo "</div>";

and here is the PickingFormTest.php

   date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone
$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root','');

if (!$con) {
    echo 'failed';

mysql_select_db("mes", $con);

$lot_number = $_POST['lot_number'];

//echo $lot_number;
  // $q=$_GET["lot_number"];
  $sql_bin = "SELECT bin_loc FROM wms WHERE lot_number = '$lot_number'";
  $res_bin = mysql_query($sql_bin, $con);

  while($row_bin = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_bin)){
      $bin_loc = $row_bin['bin_loc'];

  echo "<input type='text' value='$bin_loc' id='bin_loc'>";



I attach the sample form

Thank you so much

It’s my first time to use ajax

Then get it all wired up and working with static hard coded example data first, then add the complexity of db calls and PHP


<input type="text" value="test" id="idOne" name="idOne" />
<input type="text" value="test2" id="idTwo" name="idTwo" />

Also, if you haven’t looked at them, I highly recommend checking out pre-made javascript libraries. Jquery, Mootools, and Prototype are all well established and stable. They really take the guesswork and pain out of Ajax. They will consume some overhead but the benefits outweigh the negatives IMO.

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean…

I just want to know whats wrong in my code thats why the first select was work and the rest was not.

I’m sorry, I don’t know also the jquery

Thank you so much