prettyPhoto Problem

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to get the prettyPhoto plugin to work on my site for days now. Still having trouble getting it to work. Ive tried searching for answers all over and honestly it could be here but Ive noticed many people have different situations. Im sure mines not much different. Finally I decided to post. It seems to load the photo in its own window and not the “lightbox” modal window.

Firebug does give me this error…

$("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto is not a function
Line 441 gallery section is where i am testing it.

Hope someone can help

Thank you

Well all seems to be working now. Hate when you look over the simplest things it seems. Had to place all the code first before any other and all worked fine. Thank you to Todd Temple for pointing this out to me!

It seems to work for me in Chrome.

With Internet Explorer there is an array not defined error, so I suggest that you either get in touch with the plugin developer, or use a different plugin.

hmmm what version of IE? Works fine in 9

This is when “Display a notification about every script error” is enabled.