The following preg_split matches whole words and punctuation, but it is also matching the empty spaces between words. I don’t need the extra spaces. What is the syntax for capturing words and punctuation but not spaces?
I’d probably use the /\s+/ regex to split a string by whitespace (\s denoting whitespace). At the moment, you’re splitting the string according to that’s not alphanumerical and underscores, and are capturing it all with the parentheses.
Sorry for the confusion … what I meant was I wanted to keep the punctuation as a part of the array but as a field entry unto itself … and not connected as a trailing character to the last word of the respective sentence. I stumbled across
and it works similarly to your more concise sample, but both match the punctuation and attach it to the last word in the array. I found a regex library at, but I’m having difficulty understanding the codes / syntax. I have tested about 10 different variations, all of which almost work.