POST 500 (Internal Server Error)

I’m working on a project with php slim where the step by step is as follows

  • A registration is created with name, email and password (login and client tables are filled in)

  • You are redirected to a page where the confirmation code received by email is informed (validationEmail table is filled in)

  • The system redirects to a portal and the customer can fill in the rest of your registration in the route clients/phaseisind-client-managed/

  • This portal has a page with 3 steps

  • The form in the html has a button that is associated with a javascript function called “changeStep”, this function performs only visual changes on the screen

function changeStep(current, option) {
const progressbar = document.querySelectorAll('#progressbar li');
if (option == 'next') {
    if (!validateForm(current)) {
    document.getElementById(`step-${current}`).style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById(`step-${current + 1}`).style.display = 'block';
    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow');
} else {
    document.getElementById(`step-${current}`).style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById(`step-${current - 1}`).style.display = 'block';
    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow');
    progressbar[current - 1].classList.remove('active')
  • When clicking on this button, the page loads a loading, it goes to “step 02” however
    in the javascript console it gives the error “http://localhost:8080/clientes/dados-cadastrals-ind/1 500
    (Internal Server Error)”, so much so that at the end of the form it returns me a “slim application error”
    precisely because of this error on the first screen
  • The route “/data-cadastral-ind/{step}/” was registered in the group of the route “/clientes”, this group
    of routes is working normally, so much so that the page is rendered through
    of the clients/phaseisind-client-managed route/ of type get that returns the html

file clientes.php

use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;

$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Response $response) { header('Location: ' . BASEURL . 'clientes'); die(); });

$app->group('/clientes', function () use ($app) {

$app->get('/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->index($request, $response));

$app->get('/acessos/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->start($request, $response));

$app->get('/dados-de-acesso/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->access($request, $response));

$app->get('/cadastro/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->register($request, $response));

$app->get('/cadastro-finalizado/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->finishRegister($request, $response));

$app->get('/email-bloqueado/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->block($request, $response, 0));

$app->get('/conta-bloqueada/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->block($request, $response, 1));

$app->get('/api/cidades/{state}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ApiController->citiesByState($request, $response));

$app->get('/api/estados/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ApiController->getStates($request, $response));

$app->get('/api/cidades-cep/{state}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ApiController->citiesCepByState($request, $response));

$app->get('/api/checkcpf/{checkcpf}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ApiController->checkCpf($request, $response));

$app->post('/registrar/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->registerSave($request, $response));

$app->post('/dados-de-acesso-email/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->dataAccessEmail($request, $response));

$app->post('/dados-de-acesso-codigo/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->dataAccessEmailCode($request, $response));

$app->post('/dados-de-acesso-senha/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->dataAccessPassword($request, $response));

$app->post('/confirmar-email/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->confirmEmailRegister($request, $response));

$app->post('/confirmar-dispositivo/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->confirmDeviceRegister($request, $response));

$app->post('/dados-cadastrais/{step}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->clientSave($request, $response));

$app->get('/confirmar-email/{token}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->confirmEmail($request, $response));

$app->get('/confirmar-dispositivo/{token}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->confirmDevice($request, $response));

$app->get('/novo-cadastro/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->novoCadastro($request, $response));

$app->post('/novo-cadastro/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->novoCadastroAutentication($request, $response));

$app->get('/novo-cadastro-logado/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->novoCadastroLogado($request, $response));

$app->get('/cadastroadd/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->novoCadastroForm($request, $response));

$app->post('/cadastroadd/{step}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->novoCadastroClientSave($request, $response));

$app->get('/cliente-gerenciado/{id}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->editClienteGerenciado($request, $response));

$app->get('/etapaum-cliente-gerenciado/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->etapaUmClienteGerenciado($request, $response));

$app->get('/etapadoisind-cliente-gerenciado/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->etapaDoisIndividualClienteGerenciado($request, $response));

$app->get('/novocad-etapadoisind-cliente-gerenciado/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->etapaDoisIndividualClienteGerenciadoNovoCadastro($request, $response));

$app->get('/etapadoiscoi-cliente-gerenciado/{titular}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->etapaDoisCoinvestidorClienteGerenciado($request, $response));

$app->get('/novocad-etapadoiscoi-cliente-gerenciado/{titular}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->etapaDoisCoinvestidorClienteGerenciadoNovoCadastro($request, $response));

$app->post('/dados-cadastrais-ind/{step}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->clientSaveInd($request, $response));

$app->post('/edit-dados-cadastrais-ind/{step}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->clientEditSaveInd($request, $response));

$app->post('/dados-cadastrais-coi/{step}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->clientSaveCoi($request, $response));	

$app->post('/edit-dados-cadastrais-coi/{step}/', fn (Request $request, Response $response) => $this->ClientsController->clientEditSaveCoi($request, $response));	```

So what’s your PHP error log say went wrong?

no… the PHP error log. It’s a file on your server that will tell you what error PHP encountered. PHP’s default behavior when encountering an error is to write a line to its internal error log and return 500 to the browser (which is a generic message that does not let random people on the internet whats wrong with your code).


This is the project folder, it doesn’t have any log files
In the apache folder there is also no log of this request

in your php.ini file, there should be a line that says error_log = <something here>. That will tell you where the error log is being written to.

I get it. This is the php.ini file when I search “log” and “error”

I just need to take out the “;” from the line?

for the moment, you can uncomment the first line and it should create php_errors.log in the folder where the file that generates the error is. (You should re-comment that later and remove the file once you’ve solved your problem, as leaving error files around in publicly accessible folders would somewhat defeat the purpose of hiding the errors in the first place).

Folder that generates the error? Would it be the js file folder? Or would it be in the C:/PHP? Because the error 500 is pointing to this file js the the folder assets/js

If it’s in the C:/PHP folder, I define in that way:

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