Please verify my ER Diagram

Hai folks,

i am relatively new to this ER Diagram.

i have assigned a new project in my work place. a small project.
description :

HR Creates Tasks and assigns to employees.
Employees will execute them while keeping updates on the current progress.
Please verify the ER Diagram i made for this project.

Your diagram says one employee will only read one task.
Your diagram says one hrm will only create one task.
There is no mention of assigning tasks to anyone.
There is no storage of updates for individual task.

Can only one employee work on a given task?

You need some crows feet to handle multiple tasks
You need a couple more entities.

currently HRM Creates a task to only one employee at a time.
But i think i should provide the facility to assign more than one employee to view a single task. Good point buddy!

There is no storage of updates for individual task.

I did not get this :slight_smile:

Thank you.

"There is no storage of updates for individual task. "

Monday, 9:15am, added new table to project, project 1, dr john, timestamp
Monday, 10:45, added list of attributes to project, project 1, dr john, timestamp
Tuesday, 15:30, worked out a query for the status of project, project 1, dr john, timestamp
Tuesday, 15:30, started erd for project 2, project 2, erik the red, timestamp.


Just a possible idea…
IE another table is required.