Please help me finish this query!

I have this query:

SELECT u.username, COUNT(*) AS referrals
FROM users u JOIN
     refferals r
     ON r.uid = JOIN
     users ur
     ON r.reffered = AND
        ur.joindate >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-10-15' ) AND
        ur.joindate < UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-11-16' )
		AND ur.address!=''

GROUP BY u.username
ORDER BY referrals DESC

what i need is to sum amount AS points from another table earnings
and make this :

type='+' AND
time >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-10-15' ) AND
time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-11-16' )
AND points > 200

How can i add this to my query?

You may be better asking in the database section, rather than one specifically aimed at the PHP language.

@droopsnoot thanks changed that :slight_smile:

SELECT u.username , COUNT(*) AS referrals , ( SELECT SUM(amount) FROM earnings WHERE type = '+' AND time >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-10-15' ) AND time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-11-16' ) HAVING SUM(amount) > 200 ) AS points FROM users u INNER JOIN refferals r ON r.uid = INNER JOIN users ur ON = r.reffered AND ur.joindate >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-10-15' ) AND ur.joindate < UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '2017-11-16' ) AND ur.address != '' GROUP BY u.username ORDER BY referrals DESC LIMIT 10

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Everything is cool , but i forgot to mention user table that should match r.reffered :frowning:

i figured something was wrong, but i gave you what you asked for

but i think something is still wrong – the user table already links to the refferals table, via r.uid =

maybe you need to add an AND condition to the join

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