Now while I was listening to all his points an idea came up to me.
Why not launch a platform where developers and designers can meet up and create and finish projects.
Of course this will be a lot harder than I think it is, But it does have something to it.
I look at it this way, You can give a lot of developers and designers a change to make something amazing even if it is only in one weekend or maybe in a whole month.
I would love to read you opinions about this and if you think this should be created for even if it is for a learning experience.
This is a good idea but a bad idea, or vice versa, where should I start? It surely would be a great learning experience I think.
Your idea has a good point. There is many more designers and developers than there is good ideas. But interesting ideas can come from anywhere.
Maybe a good start would be to begin as a platform for sharing and testing ideas coming from all places. Maybe members could meet in private, no registering just to comment . That could be interesting to visit for many resons.
But a hell to moderate. Check out Techdirt’s comment system, one of the few that works.
Yeah it does Have Both sides of the coin but the main idea Comes from something i saw on a website a few weeks Back.
That website hosts An event where you can go to ( for fee ) and Have 3 days to create a Small project.
Bassically what i want to do is Make that for for everyone who wants to join.
I think with a lot of Blood, sweat and tears this can be done.
Of course if it fails it does not Matter since i can improve on that.
Where I live there is some publicly funded workshops intended to be places where people with small resources can use expensive tools and machines to materialize ideas on their own and get advice by professionals.
I imagine your idea is something of that kind but online and community driven.
A backside could be that projects becomes published and gems can be overtaken or copied elsewhere. But the oppurtunity to get comments and feedback on a project in mind could be well worth it.
I hope you can start with something “simple” and fundamental to the idea and see where you can take it.
Yeah they have something like that here to.
But it is a shame it is like 90 euro’s to enter for a full weekend.
Basically there is always a change that someone steals or copies your idea.
A good way around it is don’t pitch that idea in there but try to get a few points in there that can help you.
I am working out some prototype stuff out now, and share it with 2 friends of mine.
One is a business owner and the other was a chef but is quit smart in how to present stuff some other people.
Plus there are some more people I know who will check out a prototype and see the draft that I have written.