I have the following method defined in one of my classes, and I’m trying to do the PHPDocumentor tags
* Identify whether a string contains a fractional numeric value,
* and convert it to a numeric if it is
* @param string $operand string value to test
* @return boolean
public static function convertToNumberIfFraction(&$operand) {
if (preg_match('/^'.self::STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION.'$/i', $operand, $match)) {
$fractionFormula = '='.$match[1].'+'.$match[2];
$operand = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($fractionFormula);
return true;
return false;
} // function convertToNumberIfFraction()
What I can’t find anywhere in the PHPDocumentor documentation is how to identify that a parameter is pass by reference. Does anybody have a solution to this?