PHP SOAP Client Help!

So I’m completely new to SOAP and the whole idea behind it, but I am forced to figure it out in order to work with the SuperPages API. For now, I am just trying to wrap my head around it, and how to make calls to the API. The API documentation can be found here: Superpages API. I believe I am formatting the headers and my request correctly, and the credentials I am using (username/password/company ID) have been checked and double-checked and are 100% correct. I have tried to run a couple of the methods described in the API documentation, but continue to receive ambiguous errors (“Fault occurred while processing.”) The current method I am trying to run is:


Its documentation can be found in the API documentation at the link above.

My code:

$options = array('trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true);
$sp = new SoapClient('', $options);
$header = array();
$header[] = new SoapHeader('', 'username', '******@*********.com');
$header[] = new SoapHeader('', 'password', '*********');
$header[] = new SoapHeader('', 'companyId', '******');
try {
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
echo $sp->__getLastRequest(); 

The result of above code:

object(SoapFault)#5 (8) {
  string(32) "Fault occurred while processing."
  string(0) ""
  string(43) "/home/a2op/public_html/billing/sp/index.php"
  array(2) {
    array(6) {
      string(43) "/home/a2op/public_html/billing/sp/index.php"
      string(6) "__call"
      string(10) "SoapClient"
      string(2) "->"
      array(2) {
        string(13) "getReportList"
        array(1) {
          string(20) "GetReportListRequest"
    array(6) {
      string(43) "/home/a2op/public_html/billing/sp/index.php"
      string(13) "getReportList"
      string(10) "SoapClient"
      string(2) "->"
      array(1) {
        string(20) "GetReportListRequest"
  string(32) "Fault occurred while processing."
  string(11) "soap:Server"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

There are some more details in the post over at stackoverflow ( The superpages API support is not very helpful, and I at a loss as to where else to go for help. I have confirmed with superpages api support that I am using all the right credentials (username, password and companyId). Any ideas / suggestions?

That’s not a very helpful error. Can you get it to work using another soap client?
Like: Generic SOAP Client