I have had this mail script working, but when moving the script to an SSL site it no longer works.
What am is missing??
$eml = "somebody@digitalfibres.com";
$mailheader = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$mailheader .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$mailheader .= 'From: <noreply@arcadeoperator.co.uk>'."\r\n";
$mailcontent = "<h4>";
$mailcontent .= "Hi there tony</h4>";
$mailcontent .= "<p>Your registration with Arcade Operator is almost complete.<br/>Just click the following link to activate your account.</p>";
$mailcontent .= "<p><a href='https://www.arcadeoperator.co.uk/account/confirmation?midx=1&email=1' title='Account Activation'>Click Here To Activate Your Account</a></p>";
$mailcontent .= "<p> </p>\n\n";
$mailcontent .= "<p>Once you have activated your account you may login by visiting <a href='https://www.arcadeoperator.co.uk/account'>Arcade Operator</a></p>";
$mailcontent .= "<p></p>\n\n";
mail($eml, "Activate Your Account",$mailcontent,$mailheader,"-fnoreply@arcadeoperator.co.uk");