PHP auto updater help

Hi, i found a php updater script

//Check For An Update
$getVersions = file_get_contents('cmstest/current-release-versions.php') or die ('ERROR');
if ($getVersions != '')
	echo '<p>CURRENT VERSION: '.get_siteInfo('CMS-Version').'</p>';
	echo '<p>Reading Current Releases List</p>';
	$versionList = explode("\
", $getVersions);	
	foreach ($versionList as $aV)
		if ( $aV > get_siteInfo('CMS-Version')) {
			echo '<p>New Update Found: v'.$aV.'</p>';
			$found = true;
			//Download The File If We Do Not Have It
			if ( !is_file(  $_ENV['site']['files']['includes-dir'].'/UPDATES/MMD-CMS-'.$aV.'.zip' )) {
				echo '<p>Downloading New Update</p>';
				$newUpdate = file_get_contents('cmstest/MMD-CMS-'.$aV.'.zip');
				if ( !is_dir( $_ENV['site']['files']['includes-dir'].'/UPDATES/' ) ) mkdir ( $_ENV['site']['files']['includes-dir'].'/UPDATES/' );
				$dlHandler = fopen($_ENV['site']['files']['includes-dir'].'/UPDATES/MMD-CMS-'.$aV.'.zip', 'w');
				if ( !fwrite($dlHandler, $newUpdate) ) { echo '<p>Could not save new update. Operation aborted.</p>'; exit(); }
				echo '<p>Update Downloaded And Saved</p>';
			} else echo '<p>Update already downloaded.</p>';	
			if ($_GET['doUpdate'] == true) {
				//Open The File And Do Stuff
				$zipHandle = zip_open($_ENV['site']['files']['includes-dir'].'/UPDATES/MMD-CMS-'.$aV.'.zip');
				echo '<ul>';
				while ($aF = zip_read($zipHandle) )
					$thisFileName = zip_entry_name($aF);
					$thisFileDir = dirname($thisFileName);
					//Continue if its not a file
					if ( substr($thisFileName,-1,1) == '/') continue;
					//Make the directory if we need to...
					if ( !is_dir ( $_ENV['site']['files']['server-root'].'/'.$thisFileDir ) )
						 mkdir ( $_ENV['site']['files']['server-root'].'/'.$thisFileDir );
						 echo '<li>Created Directory '.$thisFileDir.'</li>';
					//Overwrite the file
					if ( !is_dir($_ENV['site']['files']['server-root'].'/'.$thisFileName) ) {
						echo '<li>'.$thisFileName.'...........';
						$contents = zip_entry_read($aF, zip_entry_filesize($aF));
						$contents = str_replace("\\r\
", "\
", $contents);
						$updateThis = '';
						//If we need to run commands, then do it.
						if ( $thisFileName == 'upgrade.php' )
							$upgradeExec = fopen ('upgrade.php','w');
							fwrite($upgradeExec, $contents);
							include ('upgrade.php');
							echo' EXECUTED</li>';
							$updateThis = fopen($_ENV['site']['files']['server-root'].'/'.$thisFileName, 'w');
							fwrite($updateThis, $contents);
							echo' UPDATED</li>';
				echo '</ul>';
				$updated = TRUE;
			else echo '<p>Update ready. <a href="?doUpdate=true">&raquo; Install Now?</a></p>';
	if ($updated == true)
		echo '<p class="success">&raquo; CMS Updated to v'.$aV.'</p>';
	else if ($found != true) echo '<p>&raquo; No update is available.</p>';

else echo '<p>Could not find latest realeases.</p>';

where it says

echo '<p>CURRENT VERSION: '.get_siteInfo('CMS-Version').'</p>';

how would i get the site info in another file to this one?

BTW the reason the files arn’t on a website is because im developing through files

Can you elaborate please

Well I want to know how i can add “CMS-Version” on another file and bring it to this file. (im a beginner at PHP)