PHP Applications

A few days I went to two PHP jobs interview and on the test I did ok, but they told me that in my portfolio I don’t have any PHP app, all I have are websites that I finished. I asked what they mean by PHP apps but they didn’t have time to explain. Someone told me to build something like Tic Tac Toe in PHP, but I didn’t understand if he was serious or he was joking.
Please, those of you who were in the same situation like me, tell me what PHP application to build and to put in my resume(CV)?

Too bad, that knowledge is crucial. I suspect the real reason is they don’t know what they mean either.

IMHO a website that has database driven content is an app.

My guess is they want to see a mobile app.

Maybe you could put together an API of sorts?

For example, a URL that returns JSON or RSS that could be used external to the site proper.
JSON PHP Applications
RSS PHP Applications

Mittineague, a friend of mine that works on , one of the companies that I applied for job, told me that php app means an online interface for diff department, so everyone can log in to see the salary and bonus. That is one example that he had time to explain to me, because he is very busy.
He told me that mobiles apps are a diff area for diff departments but not php.
I will think to build a php demo salary interface, because so far I don’t have any other idea.
If you have more ideas feel free to tell me.

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