Phone number authentication

what is the best service for phone number verification except

Welcome to the forums, @vinomib.

It might help if you could explain why you don’t wish to use It’s difficult for anybody to suggest a suitable alternative without more information about your requirements.

Thanks for your prompt response.

I am creating an app in react native and I have a requirement for phone number verification. Tried but it is going to retire on September. Hence would like to know the other best service for phone number verification.

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Hi there vinomib,

perhaps this information may help…

[quote][color=navy]"Update 5.17.2017: Firebase phone authentication is the next evolution of Digits.

Upgrade to Firebase for an even more powerful and reliable service that gives
you faster user growth.

The Digits SDK and will be retired on September 30, 2017."[/color][/quote]

Further reading
            firebase phone authentication


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