People are copying my content from my blog. What to do?

Is there any way to stop people from copying content from my blog? I wasn’t careful in the first place. But it becomes a headache for me now. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Link removed by Gandalf - not needed


Not simple ones.

Lawsuits and threats, mostly.

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:joy: raw truth

If you are using WordPress then you can try using plugins.
E.g WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click

Though their protection is based on CSS and jquery technics which can be nulled once someone disables his CSS and JS

This is what i usually do, if their is no clickable links or button inside the content.

Then just add two div, one div will be the inner content holder while the other div will be set to transparent background and cover the inner div.

This way readers read your content but can’t copy it.

But note that the strength of CSS can be nulled by disabling it on a browser.

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As @pandglobal said, it can be made difficult for the average user to save content, but the general rule apply: If you can read it, you already have copy. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m not sure but do think that when text is copied then Google will show the original content in their searches.

well there are some ways to stop people copying your content, depending on their skills with coding in general - on a couple of cites i run - I redirect them to another cite of mine when they try to right click the mouse, and have a popup on the cite telling them to click and add to get the content ( I know not the best way, but hey i get some money back so I’m happy :stuck_out_tongue: ) - once they click the add , i ask for an email to send them the content they try to copy in a .pdf. - how to set up the thingy.

  1. disable the right click with java.
  2. in your body tag - add - oncontextmenu = “yourfunctionname()” as and attribute
<body oncontextmenu="yourfunctionname()">
  1. in your linked javascript file (should be on the end of your html file) - add an redirect to site of your choice - in this example i use, change the url to what ever you like
function yourfunctionname() {

this will redirect them to cite of your choice if they try to right click to mark up text on your cite , like 90% of people do.
However, this do not stop your visitors from going into dev tools of their browser and take your text out from there.

Google doesn’t like repetition in SERPs, results with pages containing identical articles is redundant to the search user.
That’s why duplicated content is considered bad for SEO, because it has a good chance of being omitted from SERPs.
Google say they try to show the page of the original author, choosing them above those who have copied.
But how do they know who is the author? Well they just have to make their best guess.
For this reason, when I publish new content, I submit it to Google straight away (via Web Console), before anyone has chance to copy it. If my fresh content is indexed first, I believe I have a better chance of being recognised as the original author if it is copied.


Get your copyright from dmca. After getting certified, you can actually panalyse websites that are using your content! This is the best solution. Many websites are using it.

too complicated!

Hi texttobinary4,

Can you elaborate on that?

I think you have a good point. :slightly_smiling_face:

See, with so many blogs out there, duplicate content has become a really big issue. For that reason, with the DMCA certificate, you can actually get a copyright on your content and if someone copies content from your website or blog, you can actually submit the duplicate site on their website and that particular page will get a penalty. Also, that page won’t be showing up on the search engines like Google and Bing. Let me know if you need any assistance on the same…:slight_smile:

There is NO way to stop someone from stealing your content. The “DMCA certificate” people are just service providers. I have no comment as to the value of that service.

The REAL DMCA is a United States Copyright Law.

In the United States, you are automatically granted copyright on your works as soon as they are created. You also have the option to get a Registered Copyright for a small fee from the United States Copyright office. Last I checked years ago, the damages on a registered copyright were an automatic one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per violation. Non-registered does not have this perk.

As @m_hutley stated, your best options are a lawsuit and threats of lawsuit. Often times sending a “DMCA” copyright infringment email claiming ownership to the offenders host will work to get your content taken down. You do not need to pay the confusingly named DMCA certificate people to do it for you.


You do NOT get copyright from the “DMCA” certificate people. As I stated in the previous post, you automatically have copyright on your creative works directly from the United States Government. (I cant speak regarding if you are not in the US.)

The people you reference are no more DMCA than w3schools is part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These people have purposely named their sites and services to confuse the un-educated.

DMCA is a UNITED STATES FEDERAL LAW, not a PRIVATE COMPANY as clearly stated on their website.

DMCA dot com is Owned and Operated by Digital Millennium Copyright Act Services Ltd. (A private company)

They are a private business that provides services for a fee. Just the fact that they purposely named their company to confuse people is enough reason not to do business with them IMO.

Copyright Infringement is a LEGAL matter and as such should ultimately be handled by a Lawyer.

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if that’s to complicated - then you are just lazy, and besides once set it’s set up it’s all about adding an attribute to you body tag. simple really

Is it going to stop people from copy your content, in most cases yes since it makes it harder for them to just go in and copy paste. If the person knows about browsers and dev tools you wont stop them. but for 90% of people out there it makes it harder for them. and it’s free :stuck_out_tongue:

Or you can go with DMCA - waste of money if you ask me, unless you are a registered trademark (think big company) and have a lot of money to take the the people to court. is a private firm that knows how to bleed you dry if you use their service - and as they state on the FAQ - they just provide the service and not the result.

Agree, you cant stop them, but you can make it harder so most common folks give up. that’s my point.

but hey go with DMCA if you like, my finding are in most cases just gets tossed in the waste bin, if they are copying your content they also know who you are - and the likely hood for you to take them to court is = 0.
but sure having a bage why not, just don’t pay an arm and a leg for a service that wont do you much good.

Read here how to get certificate:

It is impossible to completely protect content from theft. If you publish content, be sure that it will be copied. Most likely, stealing content won’t do you any tangible harm. But this is unpleasant anyway.

You can use the name of your blog and products in the text, link to your other publications. This will make it difficult to automatically use publications. Thieves will have to adapt them. Perhaps this will stop the laziest scammers.

Branding will also protect you from automatic copying of content. If your publications are stolen by robots, they will retain the name of the blog, products and links to your site.

As the OP has never returned, it seems pointless to continue offering advice.

Thank you to all who contributed.

Thread closed.