Pause a while loop

is there a way to pause a while loop and display a message on each iteration?

There is a sleep function in which you can pause number of seconds you specified.

Thanks, but there’s no opportunity to display a message. I’m on to rendering javascript in php.

This displays nicely, but there’s no var in it:

echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo 'alert("Hello World")';
echo '</script>';

how do I get the php variable into the JS var when the JS is rendered in php?

$str = "Hello World";
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo 'var str = ?????';  
echo 'alert(str)';
echo '</script>';

$str = "Hello World";
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo 'alert("' . $str . '");';
echo '</script>';


$str = "Hello World";
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo 'var str = "' . $str . '";';  
echo 'alert(str);';
echo '</script>';

Thanks kduv. That fits the bill!.

This is one for my topic scrapbook. This one is truly a keeper! I’ve been needing something like this for years. Before recently, I didn’t understand javascript well enough to even ask this question.

Another way in JS:

setTimeout(function(){hideMessage();}, 4000);

The setTimeout() method will run the callback function hideMessage() after 4000 miliseconds. You could use AJAX to post to a PHP page in the callback if you wanted.
