Passing variables in href tag

What is the correct syntax for passing variables in a href tag when the href is outside of the javascript tags? I believe it is not recognizing the href because it is not reading the variables: boxid & projectname. Please advise.

<script type=“text/javascript” language=“javascript”>

var linkURL = ‘’;
var boxid = ‘’;
var changeLinkURL = ‘’;

function getUrlVars()
var vars = , boxid;
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;

function PassQueryString()
boxid = getUrlVars()[“boxid”];
projectName = getUrlVars()[“project”];
alert(“ParseQueryString - BoxID :” + boxid);
alert(“ParseQueryString - ProjectName :” + projectName);

function changeLinkURL()
boxid = getUrlVars()[“boxid”];
projectName = getUrlVars()[“project”];
linkURL = “C:\Users\Geri\Desktop\ est_1.htm + “?boxid=” + boxid + “&projectName=” + projectName”;
function Project(pname)


<script type=“text/javascript”>
var first = getUrlVars()[“boxid”];
var second = getUrlVars()[“project”];
alert("back button : " + “” + first);
alert("back button : " + “” + second);

<a href=“C:\Users\Geri\Desktop\ est_1.htm?boxid=DBB&project=projectName”>

<IMG style=“BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px solid;
BORDER-LEFT: 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: 0px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px solid” border=0
alt=“Back Button” src=“C:\Users\Geri\Desktop\ est_1.htm/Back%20Button/back_button1.gif”>



You have some syntax errors in there. Most especially with this line:

linkURL = "C:\\Users\\Geri\\Desktop\	est_1.htm + "?boxid=" + boxid + "&projectName=" + projectName"; 

Also, the slashes in that string should be escaped too.