Page Redirect/Forwarding

I had a flash game designed for me a while back. This flash game contains two links that forwards to a website that was recently replaced. However, the domain name is the same.

  1. Is there any way that I could have a page url of a site that no longer exists, redirect to an existing website page?

  2. Is there any way that I could edit a flash game to change the url links or is the game designer the only one who could edit it?


Do you have access to the domain? Just write a redirect script in htaccess. If you don’t have access, then notify the websites webmaster and request a redirect be put in place.

Anyone can edit it if they know what they are doing.

Yes. I have complete access to my domain. I purchased my domain from Go Daddy several years ago. My new site was made using Google Sites. My old site is non-existent. How can I write a redirect script in htaccess? Thanks.

I have moved this thread to the appropriate area.

The correct search terms would be something like “htaccess redirect old to new”. Please get an attempt worked up and let us know if you run into any issues.

Thanks, Ryan. My knowledge of web design and html coding is slim at best. That is why I chose to build a site using Google Sites. If you could elaborate a little more, I would appreciate it.

Should this search term be placed on the new website page? The old webpage and site no longer exists.

The search term was for you to place into Google and get more information on this subject :slight_smile: .

If the old website doesn’t exist, then you can’t redirect it. That means you need to modify the flash, or buy the domain solely for the purpose of a redirect. I recommend you figure out how to modify the flash file. I’ll move this again to the General Web Dev category here in hopes someone knows flash.

Thanks, Ryan. It would cost me at least $40.00 for the game designer to correct the url links. It would nicer if there was a more cost effective solution.

You don’t need to pay the designer. Look into doing it yourself. Ask around on flash message boards and explain your situation, and what you would need to do this yourself.

This is the cost effective solution - fixing hte flash yourself. You have two options since the old domain is no more

  1. Buy the domain forever (an infinite price) and write that one htaccess file line. Seems like a waste of money.
  2. Fix the flash file yourself ($0 but some time wasted)
  3. Pay $40 to have the game designer do it himself.

AFAIK, not many people on this forum are very adept at Flash. You might have luck elsewhere, but who knows? Might be some knowledgeable Flash people here.

Thanks, Ryan. I posted this issue in many forums today. Unfortunately, the domain used in the game doesn’t just contain the unique domain, but also the folder that the page is in (separated with a /). I wished that I had used the unique domain as this wouldn’t be an issue.

I have been looking into some free editing software. Hopefully, a forum member will recommend one that can do the job. Thank you so much for your help!

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