I have a website engine written in javascript. The engine code is located in several files. When I go to the page, it jumps to about:blank. I really want to figure out why. I managed to screenshot the console output:
Can the browser automatically go to about:blank or is there a transition code required?
I dug up a number of possible options for doing this on the Internet:
window.open('about:blank', '_self');
window.location.href = 'about:blank';
But I didn’t find this explicitly in the code. explicitly about:blank occurs in this form:
return e.parentNode && W(e.parentNode) && (L.isShadow=!0), L.type === B.Element && "iframe" === L.tagName && function(e,t,n) {
var r = e.contentWindow;
if(r) {
var i, a = !1;
try {
i = r.document.readyState
} catch(e) {
} if("complete" === i){
var o = "about:blank";
r.location.href === o && e.src !== o && ""!== e.src ? e.addEventListener("load", t): setTimeout(t,0)
} else {
var s = setTimeout(