Outputting Gulp to multiple files

We have a variable .js file which looks something like this (reduced version)

module.exports = {
  theme_name : "reese/gulpdistrict/theme1", //replace with name of theme folder

We then, in our gulpfile.js, include this file in our config variable

var config = require('variable file here');

After connecting to our server in gulp, we then run a bunch of gulp tasks. E.g. our Sass files ultimately get combined into a main.js, our Javascript ultimately gets reduced down to a main.js file.

I believe this is an instance of it “writing” out the CSS file

return gulp.src('src/sass/*.css')
    .pipe(gulp.dest(themepath + 'css'));

Now my question is, given our config setup, we are trying to figure out a way to allow multiple “theme_name”'s to exist (in an array) and I guess loop over each and write the same files, just to different folders in the server. What sort of logic should I try to go for here? Do I need any different gulp plugins? Just looking for a finger in the right direction. I’m imagining I’ll need to do that “return” statement, but within some sort of loop or something like that.

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