On Page Load Popup - Volusion

I am using Volusion and I am trying to put a pop-up form (new customer Sign Up) option on page load at Home page. Volusion giving access to template.htm and css files and something called default.htm. I cannot access the root file(default/index.htm).

Techies at Volusion provide no support what so ever for coding. Please help me with direction of where should I start. I need a pop up Sign up form for new members, when they visit the site and I want the popup to appear after 3-5 seconds after the page loads automatically, I want to set cookie to not to popup again in the same day for the new customer.

The popup submit should be linked to current tables(database at Volusion) and it has to take me to another page(i.e, Thank You page).

When I chat with the tech guy, he suggested to create a splash page (Splash page is just a landing page, I am not sure how to change it into popup), if that is not the solution, I guess I need to insert code only at template.htm. This interface is quite new to me, please excuse my ignorance.
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!


I answered a similar question here: Need a simple popup (modal, on-page-load with time-delay, fast & clean)

I don’t have any experience with Volusion and from what you say, it doesn’t sound too hopeful, but maybe that will point you in the right direction.