Number of Referring Domains Vs Relevant Backlinks

Hey guys ,
I am running a micro niche website. For that website I made around 160 backlinks without taking relevancy in consideration. From Dec 2 I was ranking on 1 st page at #8 position. That brings enough traffic to my website. But from 12 Dec due to Google algorithm update my website ranking start droping. Now my site is no where in Google. It is not manual penalty by Google.
So my question is no of RD matters or relevent backlinks matters?
Thank you!

The only links which will benefit you from an SEO point of view are those you earn, where other sites choose to link to yours because of the quality and relevance of your content.

Links which you place yourself are pretty much worthless for SEO, and creating links with the intention of manipulating search results is a violation of search engines’ guidelines, which may result in your site being penalised.

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Thanks TechnoBear!!
But every buddy is doing this only, so why Google penalize me only?
And it’s micro niche site. And every micro niche blogger doing this only.
That’s why i ask this question.

You’ve already said you have not suffered a manual penalty. All that has happened is that Google has recognised the links as worthless and ceased to give them any value, meaning your site has returned to the position it should be occupying. Manipulative techniques may work briefly, but as you’ve found, the results don’t last. Your time is much better spent concentrating on creating high-quality content.

It may once have been true that everybody did this, because at one time it was effective, but Google and other search engines have improved their algorithms to detect manipulative behaviour and the old tricks no longer work.

If you take time to look around the Marketing section of the forums, you will find threads from other members who thought they could get around Google’s rules in this way, and then found themselves dropping in the results.

I suggest you read Google’s “Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide”, which will help you understand where best to target your efforts.


Thanks for helping.
My website is micro niche site. Related to apks now for that which kind backlinks should I need to build.

If your site is informative enough, you shouldn’t worry about backlinks. With time, they will come. And because they will come naturally, you don’t need to worry about what kind of backlinks you need.

To know the kind of information that you should be publishing you need to know your niche very well, and the kind of visitor that you’re targeting to.

Some of the information might be obvious, and even if it is information that might be found easily, it might be so basic necessary to be in your site too because… well, if you don’t, it won’t look complete.

Then, I’m sure that there’s information that it is not well explained elsewhere, or simply lack depth.

The way you say things is important, too. You can say the same thing I’m saying, but your own personality will make it special.

And then, the way you keep in touch with your audience, be it via e-mail newsletter, youtube channel or facebook, it is also important.

If you’re desperate to get some backlinks, do some ppc ads, and try to write a few interesting articles for websites in the same niche (or very close to your niche) that already have a good reputatioin and decent amount of traffic.

Obviosly, social media can help a lot but only if your targeted visitor uses it and if you’re consistent with it.

It is absurd to maintain a FB fan page when the big majority of your visitors use Instragram, for example.

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