I have a script that uses ‘mysqli’ to connect to a database, trouble is the shared server it is hosted on uses ‘mysql’ and so is producing unexpected results. Before pasting the php code into this thread, I was wondering whether there were any simply ways round this or scripts available that could sort this out for me or whether I have to go through the code changeing something and if so what?
Or is it easier to look into moving to a dedicated server.
I have done, but they said that since it is a shared server they can’t change setting like that, since they would have an effect on other sites hosted on the servers.
The hosts are Namesco, so I assumed they would be using up to date hardware/software!
“Unexpected results”. There should be no difference in results between mysqli and mysql. What query are you executing that’s giving ‘unexpected results’? (I’m guessing your query is ambiguous)
The unexpected results are that when used on an Apache server the script uploads and then displays a list of files stored in a database, where as on a zeus server no list is displayed. I have been all round the houses and the hosting company say my code is using the syntax ‘mysqli’ which is not enabled on the server. They suggested ‘replacing all instances of ‘mysqli’ with ‘mysql’ and see if that rectifies the issue’. This then just produced a blank screen, and blank when viewing the source code of the page.
If the code you have is using mysqli’s object notation, or any other mysqli-specific prepared queries then you cannot just take off the i.
You can only isolate the queries one at a time, and rewrite and test them.
You should set up your local dev machine to run a mirror image of you live servers’ setup, in order that you sort these issues out before committing code to live.
Cool, Addressed the WPSE problem. And now I can see the error messages I think I probably need.
They all seem to point towards ‘No such file or directory’ problems but all the file paths are right as far as I can see.
Warning: include_once(/content/Hosting/a/l/www.allianceleisure.co.uk/web/includes/magicquotes.inc.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /content/Hosting/a/l/allianceleisure.co.uk/web/filestore/index.php on line 8
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/content/Hosting/a/l/www.allianceleisure.co.uk/web/includes/magicquotes.inc.php’ for inclusion (include_path=‘.:/usr/local/fphp5/lib/php’) in /content/Hosting/a/l/allianceleisure.co.uk/web/filestore/index.php on line 8
Warning: mysql_set_charset() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in /content/Hosting/a/l/allianceleisure.co.uk/web/filestore/db.inc.php on line 10
Warning: include(output.html.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /content/Hosting/a/l/allianceleisure.co.uk/web/filestore/db.inc.php on line 13
Warning: include(output.html.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /content/Hosting/a/l/allianceleisure.co.uk/web/filestore/db.inc.php on line 13
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘output.html.php’ for inclusion (include_path=‘.:/usr/local/fphp5/lib/php’) in /content/Hosting/a/l/allianceleisure.co.uk/web/filestore/db.inc.php on line 13
In order: #1,2,4,5,and 6 all indicate that you’re trying to include files that arnt where your script thinks they are.
Take a look at the lines they mention, try and find out why they’re failing.
#3 indicates you might have gotten your parameters in the wrong order.
As a side note, this is most likely a naming convention used for seperating the files used for output (.html.php) from those used as function and setup (.inc.php), which allows for .htaccess based access rules.
It all works fine locally, and it works fine on a live apache server, the problem is, this particular site is, at the moment being hosted on a zeus server running mysqli not mysql.
Thanks Mr Lion for your help, I shall look into it, but I fear it may be better to look into moving the site to a dedicated server or one running Apache.
The lines starting with a ; are commented out - so they are not affecting your PHP installation.
If you do not have a line which starts
include_path =
without a semi-colon then there is probably something inside your application it telling some bootstrap files where the include path lies.
To be honest, there are a myriad reasons why an include file cannot be found, but without access to all the files it is difficult know where to start looking for the root of the cause for the the disconnect.
Look at the first 8 lines of … /web/filestore/index.php and see if there are clues, then work your way back through any files mentioned in those 8 lines.
Even when solved, you still face the struggle of rewriting mysqli calls to mysql, which would depend on how many there are and how they are peppered through the application.
The include problem might persist though - come back if it does and there are other diagnostics you can do to identify the next steps.
I’m no server expert, but this bit puzzles me. I always thought mysql and mysqli were an AND AND, not an OR OR? I mean, enabling/installing/whatever the mysqli extension doesn’t mean the mysql extension doesn’t work anymore, does it? So installing it should have no effect at all on other sites? Or am I completely wrong here?