Newbie Q, How can I turn on site update emails for members to a WP site?

How can I turn on site update emails for members to a WP site?

Right now this site I’m working with does not permit comments–strictly content push’n. There’s a great email newsletter plugin I’m looking forward to trying, but I’d like the ability to add the option for members to sign-up for site updates (posts & pages). It’s odd I don’t see this on the member page (WP 4.1)…

A little background…
It’s basic web site for a community center where I volunteer with site-specific services, forms and tutorials. However, the community is more active than my involvement, so I don’t have time to moderate. It’s not a community-building problem, because the site accompanies an actual place and face-to-face interaction. Nevertheless, I’d like to lay the ground work to expand the site towards more community participation on the site. This means collecting emails, and opening users up to receiving materials.

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