I get a timeout on a specific page. I can log in my account. Move around a little. As soon as I try to remontly access my computer it timeouts.
I also have a “server not found, please check your internet connection” with a software use for trading : questrader IQ (questrde.com).
When I bypass my router, ie I plug the ISP modem cable straight into my laptop, everything works.
I don’t see any firewall configuration into my router configs. The is a port forwarding section but I don’t think it has anything to do with my problem.
Anyone have an idea on what the router is blocking and how to disable it?
It might also be a DNS problem since I can access other secured website without any problem.
Is this a wireless access point? When you say you can’t find any firewall settings in the router, this means you’ve logged into the control panel of the router and set it up or have you?
If some bits of a site work, but not others, it sounds like maybe the router is filtering out traffic to certain ports - i.e. in the case of og me in its allowing http(s) through but blocking the acctua communication path which uses alternate ports.
ServerStorm :“this means you’ve logged into the control panel of the router and set it up or have you?”
Yes I have logged into the configs webpage. Looked around a lot, googled a lot also. That is how I found this post actually. But there isn’t any “firewall” tab or anything that could help me define protection/filtering rules.
As TimIgoe said it looks like that the AP/router is blocking some trafic at some point. Could’t find any information on it. Did found some dead link on google about the exact same router/problem but the forum has cleared those post.
I am joining 2 pictures of the config webpage. Showing the menu tabs.
What I am running on right now is my new Engenuis ECB 3500 (which I have the problem with) but I have changed configuration. I have set it as a AP and removed the routing function. I have plugged the ECB 3500 in my old DLink wired router. My DLink is doing the DHCP part and the Engenius is doing the wireless (AP) part.
That way everything works but there is for sure an issue with the Engenius router firmware. I looked for an update but I am up to date (2011 firmware…). Either an issue or a preset “security” config.
In any case I would like to get rid of my old DLink router. I know that my Engenius box can host DD-WRT firmware. I just don’t know how much I want to get into installing that.
I think with DD-WRT I’ll be able to control everything… maybe destroy everything also…
Do you have this device plugged next in line to your Cable/Internet Modem or is it plugged into a switch first? Do you have a static I.P. with your account or do you know if your ISP provides you with everthing via DHCP? Have you checked that in your status page you have a Wide Area Network gateway?
Can you plug into the modem directly and then in a command line issue:
ipconfig /all
or if you want to more easily copy the results to here use
ipconfig[COLOR=#323232] /all > c:\\my_ip.txt
to pipe the results into a notepad file. Alternatively if you are using Linux use
When I have issue :
ISP Modem—wired–>Engenius ECB 3500 (as AP/router) --wireless–>Laptop
I am pretty sure my IP is DHCP (not static). I might be wrong but I have seen it changed and I have set it DHCP into my router device. Do you think it could be an issue if I set it DHCP and it is static?
WAN Staus : UP
(I think in the screenshot I sent it was “Down”. The images was mainly to show the tabs available.)
For sure, I am blinding some connection specific information :
Those are the information related to my wired connection, ei the one comming straight from my ISP modem connection (no switch/router/ap in between).
Thank you for your time,
I really think it is an hidden port blocking or security feature into the ECB3500 unit. Or a bug into the firmware when in AP/router mode. The other guy must had the same kind of problem. Although, I might be wrong. It may be the ISP modem/router config that had a flaw. I am not much a specialist in that. If you find anything I’ll be glad to try it!
No if you were not issues a Static IP then you want to use DHCP, so do not try to set a static I.P.
Ok, can you paste the same test when you do this from your Laptop (where you are having the problem? IPV6 is known to cause problems with hardware that does not support the protocol, so I would recommend you disable IPV6, unless you have a specific use for it.
It could be a security feature, port or firmware bug in AP/router mode. Can you try the same test with it not in AP/router, rather just router mode? The other guy’s Payment Processor were doing something (maybe a proxy binding) so he never needed to make any changes internally, it ended up being on the Payment Processor’s end. Your problem is most likely to do with your AP/Router.