Finding some forum can’t provide Html,WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO tell me the difference.sorry for the stupid question.
Welcome to the forum, fish 1228.
I think you’ll find this answers your question:
In a nutshell, bbcode is approved html code.
With html and javascript, someone could possibly destroy your forum, add viruses, etc…
With the bbcode, only certain code can be used making it safer for all.
At one time, I was an Administrator of another forum and I played around making my own bbcode for special effects in posts.
Hope this helps answer your question…
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName(“div”);
var colors = [“#F00”, “#0F0”, “#00F”, “#F0F”, “#FF0”, “#0FF”];
setInterval(blinkit, 250);
function blinkit() {
for(i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) {
var rdm = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 0);
divs[i].style.backgroundColor = colors[rdm];
It doesn’t work.
That’s because it’s turned off on this forum (as with most forums).
See the Posting Permissions at the bottom of this page…
Thanks for the script. It’s kinda cool.
lol yeah, I was just joking around and demonstrating what could be done if it was allowed. If you look at the source here, that’d probably give you an epileptic seizure.
thanks for your answer,is html more difficult than bbcode?
I don’t think so, no.
But BBCode is only used for formatting posts on a forum; if you want to learn web design, you need to learn HTML. (And not all forums use BBCode. The SitePoint Forums will be moving to Discourse software soon, and it uses a different kind of code, called Markdown.)