Nested for loops

Trying to learn js I found this on the internet but I don’t understand a thing.

    for (var i=1; i<4; i++) {
        for (var k=1; k<4 - i; k++) {
            document.write(k + " first ");
        for (var j=1; j<=i; j++) {
             document.write(j + " second ");
        document.write(i + " OUTER Loop<br> ");


1 first 2 first 1 second 1 OUTER Loop
 1 first 1 second 2 second 2 OUTER Loop
 1 second 2 second 3 second 3 OUTER Loop

My question is why do I have only 2 first on the first line and not 3?
My logic was:
i=1 < 4 good
k=1 <4-1 good (4-1 = 3) print 3 times first

Because on the first line i=1, that means k<4-1 = k<3, so k will only have values 1 and 2


Thank you very much for your explanation.

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