Need some site help

OK, I have had help getting me to this point - thank you all for your help and guidance.

Now, I am having a couple of problems.

  1. How can I “lock” the left navigation so it does not move down as some reduces the window size?
  2. How can I make the “Celebrating…” div push the “our next…” text down below it?
  3. How come the left nav menu moves over to the left and the header information changes position in IE8?

So, too much to ask?? I am still learning so I know my code is not optimal. If someone could help me with that it would be a later thing. I just need to get this completed.

Here is my “AllPages.css” file

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

html {
	background: url("images/saccc5bg.jpg");
	background-repeat: repeat;
	background-attachment: fixed;
#Wrapper {
	width: 90%;
	margin: 0 auto;  /* am assuming you wanted to ceter this*/
	margin-top: 20px;
	border-top: 1px transparent solid;
/*	background-color: #3FF;  */
	display: table;

#leftNav {
	clear: left;
	width: 150px;
	margin-top: -0px;
	/*background-color: #eec;
	margin-left: -0px;
	float: left;
/*	border: solid 1px blue;     */
	left: 0;

#rightNav {
	width: 150px;
	float: right;
/*	border: solid 1px black;  */

#header {
/*	background-color: #FF3;  */
	margin: -5px 175px 0 175px;
	font-size: 1.1em;
	padding: 0;
/*	border: solid 1px green; */  
	text-align: center;

#LeftImage {
	/*background-color: #F66;  */
	height: 200px;
	width: 200px;
	margin-top: -16px;
	margin-left: -20px;
	float: left;
	text-align: center;
/*	border: dashed 2px yellow;  */

#RightImage {
	/*background-color: #F6C;  */
	float: right;
	height: 180px;
	width: 180px;
	margin-top: -30px;
	margin-right: -25px;
/*	border: dashed 1px magenta;  */
	text-align: center;

#mainContent {
	padding-left: 10px;
   padding-top: 2px;
/*	background-color: #567;  */
/*	border: solid 1px green;  */
	margin: 0 175px;
   position: relative;

li {
	background-position: 0 50px;

.mainNav {
/*	font-size: 20px;  */
	font-style: normal;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
/*	background-position: center top;  */
	list-style-type: none;
	list-style-position: outside;
	text-decoration: none;
	display: inline-block;
	overflow: auto;
	width: 140px;
   margin-left: -35px;
.mainNav li a {
	padding-top: 10px !important;
	padding-right: 0px  !important;
	padding-bottom: 10px !important;
	padding-left: 0px !important;
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: normal;
/*	font-size-adjust: none;  */
	font-stretch: normal;
	text-decoration: none;
	font-size: .7em;
	color: blue;
	background-image: url(ChevySACCCr75x33.gif);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: 50% 80%;
	display: list-item;
/*	background-position: center center; */
	text-align: center;
	padding-left: -30px;
	margin-left; -0px;
/*	border: solid 2px black;   */

ul.mainNav li a:hover, 
#PageHome #nav-home, 
#PageHistory #nav-history, 
#PageOfficers #nav-officers,
#PageOfficers #nav-officers, 
#PageSponsors #nav-sponsors, 
#PagePictures #nav-pictures, 
#PageEvents #nav-events, 
#PageNewsletter #nav-newsletter, 
#PageLinks #nav-links {
	color: red;
	background-image: url(images/SACCC_BG2_75x33.gif);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: 50% 80%;

ul.mainNav li a:hover {
      -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
   -moz-transform: scale(1.1);
   -o-transform: scale(1.1);
   text-shadow: 3px 3px 0 #333;

.clear {
	clear: both;

And the Home.html page


<html >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" >
<title>Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club</title>
<link href="AllPages.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">

#RightImage {
	margin-top: -16px;

#RightImage p{ margin:0; 
   font-family:Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  
   font-weight: 800;
#RightImage p span, #RightImage p img { 

#header {
	margin: -5px 150px 0 150px;

#mainContent .celebrationTitle{
  margin: 0;
  padding-top: -5px;
  color: red;
  font-size: 200%;
  text-align: center;

#mainContent p.contentMeetingInfo {
   text-align: center;
   font-size: 20px;
#mainContent p span {
   font-size: 225%;

#mainContent br {
	font-size: .5em;

#mainContentTop {
   width: 100%;
   float: left;

.imglabel {
   font-size: .8em;

.SACCCMission {
    font-size: .9em;

.MemberRide {
   font-size: 1.1em;

.SACCCWelcome {
   color: #F00;
   margin-top: -1px;
   margin-bottom: -5px;

    margin:0 0 -6px 6px ;

.firstlayer {
font-size: 2.5em;
font-weight: bold;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 20px;
z-index: 1;
.secondlayer {
font-size: 2.5em;
font-weight: bold;
position: absolute;
top: 2px;
left: 22px;
z-index: 0;

<body id="PageHome" >
  <div class="Container" id="Wrapper">  
    <div id="top">  	
      <div class="upperLeftImage" id="LeftImage">
        <img src="images/SACCCLogo1_200x200.gif" alt="SACCC Logo" > 
   	<div class="upperRightImage" id="RightImage">
     <span class="MemberRide">Monthly Member Ride</span>
       <img src="images/MembersRides/Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery.jpg" width="180" height="150" alt="Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery">
  	<span class="imglabel" >Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery</span></div>
      <div id="macont"> 
        <div class="mainHeader" id="header">
          <p class="SACCCWelcome">Welcome to our site!
          <blockquote class="SACCCMission">The Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of 1955, 1956, and 1957 Chevrolet automobiles, including Corvettes and Trucks.  <br>
          We are a non-profit organization.  General meetings are open to everyone.  Places, dates, and times vary.<br>  
          Annual membership is only $10 per family which includes a monthly newsletter.</blockquote>
        <!-- mainHeader/header-->
        <div class="clear">
        <!-- clear --></div>
        <!-- macont --></div>
      <div class="leftNavColumn" id="leftNav">        
        <ul class="mainNav">						           
         <li class="homePage">            
            <a id="nav-home" href="home.html">Home</a>          
          <li class="historyPage">            
            <a id="nav-history" href="history.html">History</a>
          <li class="sponsorPage">            
            <a id="nav-sponsors" href="Sponsors.html">Sponsors</a>          
          <li class="picturePage">            
            <a id="nav-pictures" href="SACCC_picturePage.html">Pictures</a>          
          <li class="eventPage">            
            <a id="nav-events" href="SACCC_eventPage.html">Events</a>          
          <a id="nav-Newsletter" href="SACCC_NewsletterPage.html">Newsletter</a>          
          <li class="linksPage">            
            <a id="nav-links" href="SACCC_linksPage.html">Links</a>          
          <li class="officersPage">            
            <a id="nav-officers" href="SACCC_officersPage.html">Officers</a>
        	<li style="text-align:center">
            	<a id="resisterNow" href="#">REGISTER NOW!</a>
      <div id="rightNav">Content for &quot; rightNav&quot; goes here 
      <div align="center" id="marqueeArea">
      <!--marquee area -->
<!--      <object width="500" height="54">
<param name="movie" value="Marquee.swf"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
<embed src="marquee.swf" width="500" height="54" wmode="transparent">
</object>  -->
      <div class="mainContentMid" id="mainContent">
      <div class="layers">
      	<span class="firstlayer"> Celebrating&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;33 years<br>			   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1978 - 2011 <br>
      	<span class="secondlayer">Celebrating&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;33 years<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1978 - 2011 <br>
      <p class="contentMeetingInfo">Our next meeting is   February 20, 2011 at 3:00pm<br>
      	<img src="images/perkins_logo_STD.png" width="161" height="125" alt="Perkins Resturant - N Argonne Rd - Spokane">
        &nbsp;&nbsp;East 9019 Mission Avenue<br>Spokane Valley, WA 99212
    <!-- mainContentMid / mainContent --></div>
    <!-- Container / Wrapper -->

Thanks a bunch!!!


Do you have this site up and running anywhere. It would be easier to diagnose using FireBug. I am not sure what you mean by locking the left hand nav. Can you elaborate? Once you have everything working correctly in FireFox, then diagnose IE8.

Best of luck

As mentioned above it’s a little hard to debug from that code alone and a link would be much easier.

It looks to me as though you should be floating three columns and stacking content in each column rather than in rows. In that way the left nav won’t move down the page when the header text expands downwards on small windows.

Remove the float and the absolute positioning from your celebrate text and then it will take up space in the flow. Use margins to nudge things around.

Never do this:

<span class="secondlayer">Celebrating&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;33 years<br>

You should make space with padding or margins and never with non breaking spaces (unless you are tying two words together and you want them to stick together - and then you’d just use one non breaking space). Just wrap a span around the element and apply a horizontal margin to move the other element away

I didn’t really notice anything different in IE8 but its hard to tell with the code above.:slight_smile:

Here is my test site: http://

Yes, it now looks OK in IE8 - not sure why the local copy looks funny.

Please reduce the window size and watch the navs - both left and right. I would like them NOT to start moving if possible but not sure how that can be done.

The “Celebrating” is not pushing down the other text.

I will fix the $nbsp; later… just trying to get the positions close first.

Paul, not sure about the floating of the 3 columns. I am learning CSS and am not really solid on the floats yet. Please explain if possible what you are referring to.

Thanks again and if you need something else, let me know.


The leftnav is being pushed down because it follows in the html after the content n the header and so is pushed down by the header.

You would need to separate the page into distinct columns so that each column is independent of the content alongside,

Here’s a very rough re-work showing columns in action:

<html >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" >
<title>Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club</title>
<link href="AllPages.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

html, body {
body {
    background: url( fixed repeat 0 0;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
#Wrapper {
    width: 90%;
    margin: 0 auto;
    margin-top: 20px;
    border-top: 1px transparent solid;
#leftcol {
#rightcol {
#center-col {
    padding:1px 20px 10px;
#leftNav {
    width: 150px;
#rightNav {
    width: 150px;
#header {
    /*    background-color: #FF3;  */
    margin: -5px 175px 0 175px;
    font-size: 1.1em;
    padding: 0;
    /*    border: solid 1px green; */  
    text-align: center;
#LeftImage {
    /*background-color: #F66;  */
    height: 200px;
    width: 200px;
    margin-top: -16px;
    margin-left: -20px;
    float: left;
    text-align: center;/*    border: dashed 2px yellow;  */
#RightImage {
    /*background-color: #F6C;  */
    float: right;
    height: 180px;
    width: 180px;
    margin-top: -30px;
    margin-right: -25px;
    /*    border: dashed 1px magenta;  */
    text-align: center;
#mainContent {
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-top: 2px;
    /*    background-color: #567;  */
/*    border: solid 1px green;  */
    margin: 0 175px;
    position: relative;
li {
    background-position: 0 50px;
.mainNav {
    /*    font-size: 20px;  */
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    /*    background-position: center top;  */
    list-style-type: none;
    list-style-position: outside;
    text-decoration: none;
    display: inline-block;
    overflow: auto;
    width: 140px;
    margin-left: -35px;
.mainNav li a {
    padding:10px 0!important;
    padding-bottom: 10px !important;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: normal;
    /*    font-size-adjust: none;  */
    font-stretch: normal;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: .7em;
    color: blue;
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 50% 80%;
    display: list-item;
    /*    background-position: center center; */
    text-align: center;
    margin-left:0;/*    border: solid 2px black;   */
ul.mainNav li a:hover, #PageHome #nav-home, #PageHistory #nav-history, #PageOfficers #nav-officers, #PageOfficers #nav-officers, #PageSponsors #nav-sponsors, #PagePictures #nav-pictures, #PageEvents #nav-events, #PageNewsletter #nav-newsletter, #PageLinks #nav-links {
    color: red;
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 50% 80%;
ul.mainNav li a:hover {
      -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
   -moz-transform: scale(1.1);
   -o-transform: scale(1.1);
   text-shadow: 3px 3px 0 #333;

.clear {
    clear: both;
#RightImage p {
    font-family:Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: 800;
#RightImage p span, #RightImage p img {
#header {
    margin: -5px 150px 0 150px;
p.contentMeetingInfo {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 20px;
.imglabel {
    font-size: .7em;
.SACCCMission {
    font-size: .9em;
.MemberRide {
    font-size: 1.1em;
.SACCCWelcome {
    color: #F00;
    margin:0 0 10px;
#rightNavData {
#rightNavData li {
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    font-size: .6em;
    margin:0 0 10px 0;
    padding: 0 0 5px 0;
#rightNavData li a {
#rightNav {
    padding-top: 20px;
#MajorSponsors {
    font-size: 1.2em;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    padding-top: 10px;
#mainContent p {
p {
    margin: 0 0 1em;
#marqueeArea {
h2.celebrate {
    -moz-text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #eff70d;
    -webkit-text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #eff70d;
    text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #eff70d;
    filter: dropshadow(color=#eff70d, offx=3, offy=3);
h2.celebrate span {
address {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 20px;
<body id="PageHome" >
<div  id="Wrapper" class="Container">
    <div id="leftcol">
        <p><img src="" alt="SACCC Logo" ></p>
        <ul class="mainNav">
            <li class="homePage"> <a id="nav-home" href="index.html">Home</a> </li>
            <li class="historyPage"> <a id="nav-history" href="history.html">History</a> </li>
            <li class="sponsorPage"> <a id="nav-sponsors" href="Sponsors.html">Sponsors</a> </li>
            <li class="picturePage"> <a id="nav-pictures" href="#">Pictures</a> </li>
            <li class="eventPage"> <a id="nav-events" href="#">Events</a> </li>
            <li><a id="nav-Newsletter" href="#">Newsletter</a></li>
            <li class="linksPage"> <a id="nav-links" href="#">Links</a> </li>
            <li class="officersPage"> <a id="nav-officers" href="#">Officers</a> </li>
        <p class="register"><a id="resisterNow" href="#">REGISTER NOW!</a></p>
    <!-- end left column -->
    <div id="rightcol">
        <p class="MemberRide">Monthly Member Ride<br>
            <img src=" Delivery.jpg" width="180" height="150" alt="Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery"> <span class="imglabel">Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery</span></p>
        <div id="rightNav">
            <h3 id="MajorSponsors">Our major sponsors</h3>
            <ul id="rightNavData">
                <li><a href="" title="Camp Chevrolet">Camp Chevrolet<br>
                    <img alt="" src="" width="100" height="90"></a> </li>
                <li><a href="" title="Spokane Valley Maaco">Spokane Valley Maaco<br>
                    <img src="" width="100" height="32" alt="Maaco Spokane"></a></li>
                <li><a href="" title="Shakeys Pizza"> Shakeys Pizza Spokane<br>
                    <img alt="" src="" width="100" height="60"></a></li>
    <!-- end right column -->
    <div id="center-col">
        <h1 class="SACCCWelcome">Welcome to our site! </h1>
        <div class="SACCCMission">
            <p>The Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of 1955, 1956, and 1957 Chevrolet automobiles, including Corvettes and Trucks.</p>
            <p>We are a non-profit organization.  General meetings are open to everyone.  Places, dates, and times vary.</p>
            <p>Annual membership is only $10 per family which includes a monthly newsletter.</p>
        <h2 class="celebrate"><span>Celebrating</span> 33 years<br>    1978 - 2011 </h2>
        <p class="contentMeetingInfo">Our next meeting is   February 20, 2011 at 3:00pm<br>
            <img src="" width="161" height="125" alt="Perkins Resturant - N Argonne Rd - Spokane"></p>
        East 9019 Mission Avenue<br>
        Spokane Valley, WA 99212
    <!-- end center column -->
    <div id="marqueeArea">
        <object width="500" height="54">
            <param name="movie" value="Marquee.swf">
            <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
            <embed src="" width="500" height="54" wmode="transparent"> </embed>
<!-- Container / Wrapper -->

You have far too many classes and ids on elements that are no needed so try and style via context rather than adding classes to everything (e.g #nav li or #nav li a - no need to class the list or anchor as you can reach t from the parent.).

Also use the correct html element.

h1 - h6 for headings
ul/ol for lists
p for text content/paragraphs etc
div for divisions and dividing a page logically into sections (not to be use for every single element)


Try to be consistent in your rules. You have some camelCase and some Firstletter and some ALLINCAPSalmost. That makes it hard to be consistent. I use lower case for everything which is so easy to remember.

Hope that helps:)


Thank you!! This is doing what I want.

I guess I need to understand that using a local copy and trying to put it in the browsers, there are some “anomalies”. Not sure why, but putting it on the real web things change - for the better so far.

I am continually learning and your guidance has been invaluable. Hope I don’t “wear out my welcome” with my problems. I do try to figure it out first and now that actually have a site to put it on maybe I can see what is good and what is really a problem.

I still have a LONG way to go on this site!! My next task is to get pictures on the page (been researching that and am really confused). Also need to put a signup form (maybe with a payment option but will get to that later).

Again, thanks for all your help, guidance and critique. Makes me a better web site “designer”.