OK, I have had help getting me to this point - thank you all for your help and guidance.
Now, I am having a couple of problems.
- How can I “lock” the left navigation so it does not move down as some reduces the window size?
- How can I make the “Celebrating…” div push the “our next…” text down below it?
- How come the left nav menu moves over to the left and the header information changes position in IE8?
So, too much to ask?? I am still learning so I know my code is not optimal. If someone could help me with that it would be a later thing. I just need to get this completed.
Here is my “AllPages.css” file
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#PageHome #nav-home,
#PageHistory #nav-history,
#PageOfficers #nav-officers,
#PageOfficers #nav-officers,
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#PagePictures #nav-pictures,
#PageEvents #nav-events,
#PageNewsletter #nav-newsletter,
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And the Home.html page
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<title>Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club</title>
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#RightImage {
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margin-bottom: -5px;
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<body id="PageHome" >
<div class="Container" id="Wrapper">
<div id="top">
<div class="upperLeftImage" id="LeftImage">
<img src="images/SACCCLogo1_200x200.gif" alt="SACCC Logo" >
<div class="upperRightImage" id="RightImage">
<span class="MemberRide">Monthly Member Ride</span>
<img src="images/MembersRides/Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery.jpg" width="180" height="150" alt="Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery">
<span class="imglabel" >Skip Littell's 55 Sedan Delivery</span></div>
<div id="macont">
<div class="mainHeader" id="header">
<p class="SACCCWelcome">Welcome to our site!
<blockquote class="SACCCMission">The Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of 1955, 1956, and 1957 Chevrolet automobiles, including Corvettes and Trucks. <br>
We are a non-profit organization. General meetings are open to everyone. Places, dates, and times vary.<br>
Annual membership is only $10 per family which includes a monthly newsletter.</blockquote>
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<div class="clear">
<!-- clear --></div>
<!-- macont --></div>
<div class="leftNavColumn" id="leftNav">
<ul class="mainNav">
<li class="homePage">
<a id="nav-home" href="home.html">Home</a>
<li class="historyPage">
<a id="nav-history" href="history.html">History</a>
<li class="sponsorPage">
<a id="nav-sponsors" href="Sponsors.html">Sponsors</a>
<li class="picturePage">
<a id="nav-pictures" href="SACCC_picturePage.html">Pictures</a>
<li class="eventPage">
<a id="nav-events" href="SACCC_eventPage.html">Events</a>
<a id="nav-Newsletter" href="SACCC_NewsletterPage.html">Newsletter</a>
<li class="linksPage">
<a id="nav-links" href="SACCC_linksPage.html">Links</a>
<li class="officersPage">
<a id="nav-officers" href="SACCC_officersPage.html">Officers</a>
<li style="text-align:center">
<a id="resisterNow" href="#">REGISTER NOW!</a>
<div id="rightNav">Content for " rightNav" goes here
<div align="center" id="marqueeArea">
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<div class="mainContentMid" id="mainContent">
<div class="layers">
<span class="firstlayer"> Celebrating 33 years<br> 1978 - 2011 <br>
<span class="secondlayer">Celebrating 33 years<br> 1978 - 2011 <br>
<p class="contentMeetingInfo">Our next meeting is February 20, 2011 at 3:00pm<br>
<img src="images/perkins_logo_STD.png" width="161" height="125" alt="Perkins Resturant - N Argonne Rd - Spokane">
East 9019 Mission Avenue<br>Spokane Valley, WA 99212
<!-- mainContentMid / mainContent --></div>
<!-- Container / Wrapper -->
Thanks a bunch!!!