Need some help with login system

hi, I am having trouble with my login code, I am sure some of it is just wrong but I am a little stuck (I am very new)

This is my index.php, it has my login script and also includes my home.php page that shows a login form.

if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
if (isset($_POST['username']))
// connect to database
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'connect.php';

// load functions
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'functions.php';

// sanitize input. safe = mysqli_real_escape_string
$username = safe($link, $_POST['username']);
$password = safe($link, $_POST['password']);

// search database for username/password entered.
$sql = "SELECT username, password FROM members WHERE username = $username AND password = $password";
if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql))
	include 'home.php';
	$error = 'Incorrect username and or password.';
	include 'error.php';
		$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
		header(Location: 'userpage.php');
	include 'home.php';

any tips? I get my error and the login form no matter if my username/password is correct or not.

The literal strings in your SQL need wrapped in quotes:
WHERE username = ‘$username’ AND password = ‘$password’";

Also, mysqli_query will only return false if the query fails, not if it returns zero rows.
Use SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM … and check whether count is zero.

awesome, thank you both. trying to research how to implement COUNT now as I haven’t dealt with it before.

do I change my SELECT to

$sql = “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM members WHERE username = ‘$username’ AND password = ‘$password’”;

and then check the result somehow? that’s my next thing to research heh

I changed that part of my code to this:

$check = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT username, password FROM members WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'");
$result = mysqli_num_rows($check);
if ($result != 1)

and it seems to work… is that acceptable code though? I had trouble figuring out how to implement COUNT

That code is fine. You want to know the username anyway, so COUNT() would be the wrong query.

ok thank both of you VERY much, it seems to be working perfectly - I can now move on different things. :slight_smile:

You already know this, if you didn’t you couldn’t perform the query.’
Either way is fine.

going to bump this instead of making a new thread, just wondering if someone can tell me if my code is ok.

I added some remember-me and md5 stuff, and it all seems to work fine, but not sure if I am setting sessions/cookies correctly - if someone could confirm that I am doing it right or wrong that would be great. Here is my index.php code:

if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
if (isset($_POST['username']))
	require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'connect.php';
	require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'functions.php';
	$username = safe($link, $_POST['username']);
	$password = safe($link, $_POST['password']);
	$remember = $_POST['remember'];
	$mix = md5($password . 'mysalt');
	$check = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT username, password FROM members WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$mix'");
	$result = mysqli_num_rows($check);
	if ($result != 1)
			header('Location: home.php');
		else if ($result = 1 && $remember == "")
			$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
			header('Location: home.php');
		else if ($result = 1 && $remember = "on")
			$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
			setcookie("mycookie", $username, time()+7200);
			header('Location: home.php');
		include 'home.php';

oh and this is my logout.php, is it right? seems to work…

header('Location: home.php');

I have no idea what you have in your safe() function, but whole approach is wrong.
There is 2 rules that must be followed unconditionally.

  1. No “safe” function must be applied to the password.
  2. Any string literal that goes to the query, must be prepared using mysql_real_escape_string function()

Another most important issue.
You should align your code properly.
Code indention were invented not for beauty!
But to let programmer understand what’s going on.
Once I look into your code, I cant.

Next. Each location header must be followed by exit statement, to stop further execution.

Less important issue.
Why do you double your code?
Programming itself stands for eliminating repeated code fragments.

        else {
          if ($remember = "on") {
            setcookie("mycookie", $username, time()+3600*24*365);
          $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
          header('Location: home.php');

isn’t it less code to write and easier to understand?

Few things:

session_start() needs to be at the beginning of the srcipt or $_SESSION won’t exist, and you won’t have access to $_SESSION[‘username’]

The script doesn’t stop because you used header(‘Location: someurl’) it continues to execute, so it is a good idea to exit after a redirect.

You have $result = 1 in your conditions, this will always evaluate to true as you are simply assigning 1 to $result.

With remember me, you need to set a token in the cookie and in the database (similar to a password check), and check these are equal, otherwise someone can just send a cookie with anybody’s username in it and get access to their account.

thank you both. I have cleaned it up a bit, and it works great.

added exit to all headers and cleaned up my doubled code. also, ‘safe’ = mysqli_real_escape_string. but I don’t need to apply that to $_POST[‘password’]?

only thing I’m confused about is this:

“With remember me, you need to set a token in the cookie and in the database (similar to a password check), and check these are equal, otherwise someone can just send a cookie with anybody’s username in it and get access to their account.”

my remember me is working now, but I guess I still need to do this.

do I just add a column to my users table and adjust that column according to whether or not they have selected remember me? I guess I also need to modify my setcookie somehow? currently it is like this:

setcookie(“loggedin”, $username, time()+360024365);

but I don’t need to apply that to $_POST[‘password’]?

It has nothing to do with $_POST[‘password’]
It is used to escape some characters in the string that goes to the query. It is $mix that goes to the query. So function should be applied to the $mix variable.

o I just add a column to my users table and adjust that column according to whether or not they have selected remember me?

Most likely.
Put there a string which is similar to your $mix. Say, md5($username.$password . ‘myremembersalt’);
and put the same into cookie.

ok thanks yet again! I love this forum.

cleaned up code further, now trying to figure out how to do the cookie thing.


Quick follow up, do I put this unique string in place of the $username in my cookie.

this was my cookie code before:

if ($rememberme == "on") {
  setcookie("loggedin", $username, time()+3600*24*365);

should it be like this:

if ($rememberme == "on") {
  $rememberme = md5('$username', '$password' . 'mysalt');
  setcookie("logged", $rememberme, time()+3600*24*365);
  $sql = "INSERT INTO members SET cookie = '$rememberme' WHERE username = '$username'"

and then if they log out just set the cookie column to empty.

is this right?

or would it be safe to do without the database insert, just put a md5’d token in the cookie instead of a simple $username would be ok?

also, since I’d be md5ing username+password+mysalt, if the username and/or password exceeds 32 chars does that matter, will md5 always produce a 32 char string regardless of length of the string?

just md5 token without a database is not an option.
Because you cannot create a query to check.
So, you can either put this token into database for the further checking, or set another cookie, with user id, for the same purpose

Definitely don’t use md5. You will very quickly (say at around 2000 users with ‘remember me’ set) get people signed in as another user.

See this:

Not if you have also a username cookie.

Then I’ll just log in as myself, and change the cookie value to the admin’s username and destroy the website.

A username cookie is possibly the worst security practice possible. Even worse than md5().