Need shortode or plugin to move post category and tag display to sidebar

hi everyone … i’m still trying to figure out the best way to move the category and/or tags display from the bottom of the content area after the post over to the sidebar.

in terms of the UX i want to create a dynamic sidebar “menu” of sorts based on categories or tags of the current post/page. you can see an example of this on marian bantjes’ site. each time you load a new post it creates a UL in the sidebar with links to the tag categories for that content. as a user i really liked this because it presented options to see similar things without having to guess from among the whole list of options.

i’ve searched for a plugin with no luck. Lots of things to display the posts themselves, etc., but nothing for just displaying ht cats and tags.

i am now trying to find – or learn how to create – shortcode … but i’m really more of an artsy fartsy type than a programmer so the whole funtions thing baffles me.

does anyone know of an existing shortcode i might easily modify … or shortcoding tut for absolute beginners?

and i’m still open to a plugin if someone has one! :smile:


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