I’m using a Youtube-TV JS plugin for a client site (https://github.com/Giorgio003/Youtube-TV ). The player loads with a playlist in an open state, and I need to have it load with the toggle closed, showing the array of playlists, can anyone help? I tried looking for the 0/1 on/off state around this part of the code, but am still new to JS, CSS some PHP, & HTML being my primary forte:
playlistToggle: function(e){
var target = utils.parentUntil(e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement, 'data-ytv-playlist-toggle');
if(target && target.getAttribute('data-ytv-playlist-toggle')){
// Toggle Playlist
var lh = settings.element.getElementsByClassName('ytv-list-header')[0];
lh.className += ' ytv-playlist-open';
} else {
lh.className = lh.className.replace(' ytv-playlist-open', '');
my codepen for the player is here http://codepen.io/raldesign/pen/OVYXvK