Need Internet Explorer 7

I’m having trouble finding a downloadable Internet Explorer 7. Every link I find on google keeps redirecting me to Internet Explorer 8. Anyone have a link by change so I can download 7?

I would like to check my website out in older IE Browser.

this question has already been given an answer on SP forums: the short version here, and the detailed one [URL=“”]here.

but i have gained confidence in the expertise of AutisticCuckoo, so you better follow up on his lead.

you can read more on compatibility mode here, right on the source, the msdn blogs.

on the developer toolbar, you have browser mode and document mode together to switch among few different display scenarios.

you’re welcome!

Thanks noonnope - those really helped :smiley: appreciate it!

take a look also at this recent article.

Thanks for that blog post, very helpful, but can anyone explain this a little more to me because this is what I need:

“. In the event that a user selects Compatibility View for your site, you can “bring them back” to your desired layout mode via use of the version targeting <META> tag / HTTP header. A new content value, ‘IE=EmulateIE8’, rounds out the list of supported values and assists in this particular scenario.”

ie8 developer toolbar may prove useful. you have there an option for browser mode.

safari can also be useful. main menu: developer -> user agent.

What does Compatibility Mode do? Is that what Internet Explorer 7 looks like? When it’s clicked my website’s menus go out of wack, every which way.

try this IE Tester tool:

Just for the record, using the various compatibility mode trigger switches is not a good way to check cross browser compatibility, testing has shown that there are discrepancies between using those developer switches and the actual browser. I would recommend either using IETester (as has been mentioned earlier), the browser installers or the actual browser in a virtual machine (there’s nothing better than using the real thing). :slight_smile: