Need Help With URL Redirect From Fragment Identifier Shopify

I need to redirect the fragment identifier.

https:// fuzipets .com/products/the-up-pup-bed-mud #judgeme_product_reviews

https:// fuzipets .com/products/the-up-pup-bed-black-orthopedic-chew-proof-dog-bed

help me that can I redirect from the Shopify navigation fragment identifier URL

need help.

To redirect a URL with a fragment identifier in Shopify, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to the “Online Store” section.
  2. Click on “Navigation”.
  3. Select “URL Redirects”.
  4. Click on “Create URL redirect”.
  5. In the “Redirect from” field, enter the old URL you want to redirect visitors from. Unfortunately, Shopify does not support redirecting URLs with fragment identifiers (like #judgeme_product_reviews). You can only redirect the main part of the URL.
  6. In the “Redirect to” field, enter the new URL where you want to redirect visitors. This can be either a relative URL (e.g., /collection/shirts) or a full URL (e.g., Use a relative URL to redirect within your primary domain.
  7. Click “Save redirect” to apply the changes.

Please note, that Shopify has some restrictions on URL redirects. You can’t redirect URLs with certain prefixes (/apps, /application, /cart, /carts, /orders, /shop, /services) or URLs that use fixed Shopify paths (/products, /collections, /collections/all).

Since Shopify does not support fragment identifier redirection, you might need to find an alternative solution, such as updating links in your website content or using custom JavaScript to handle the redirection client-side.

Good luck

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